Friday, August 9, 2019

Holdsworth's English Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Holdsworth's English Law - Essay Example In his opinion, Holmes perceives that humans are only obedient to the law because it is what is presented to them by the world and that they obtain results fancied as desirable. While obeying the law, humans tend to ignore the fact that their search for desirable ideas results comes at a high cost those results in bills that are relatively obscure. Holmes’ thought is that even in the present day and age, inventing a different code for humans would result in men who are well off compared to their situations today. However, the worst part is that as of now, humans would be reluctant to adopt codes of life that differ from what they consider to be the norm. Such human attitude could be due to the naivetà © with which principles are eternalized based on social prejudices. Eternalized principles in humans then result in beliefs and want which are reinforced by the laws of imitation. Consequently, until humans are presented with reasons strong enough to change, they remain resistan t and conservative and need no more justification than appetite. Instead of following what they want, the human is expected to and always feel obliged to follow rules since no little doubt makes it inevitable to follow the rule by the courts. In summary, Holmes argues without their conservative nature and internalization of life principles, humans are subject to living a better life that does not bind them to high evitable bills. In my opinion, humans have been subjected to the law since time in memory and from one generation to the other, the law has been internalized as the only means to desirable results. Consequently, humans are reluctant to dare live life without laws or under the guidance of different laws. Humans have grown to remain conservatisms of the law hence always react to change in those laws with great resistance.  Ã‚  

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