Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Experience in writing the critical analysis Essay

Experience in writing the critical analysis - Essay Example I rarely take statements the way they appear. I have been able to ask, why? In many occasions, this has become part of statement argument in my daily life. Literary analysis is crucial in writing process and I am so convinced that given any work on this, I will be able to handle with a lot of enthusiasm and care. I understand how the written word and language can be powerful. In this class, I am also able to get concepts and expression of ideas. The ideas go together with knowledge and thoughts. In addition, I do not have difficulty in proper sentence construction. My critical analysis essay is very complex in nature with many dimensional views. It gives me the rational knowledge to apply that helps me create a perfect way of logical thinking process. Through this, I am able to see things or expressions in more than one way. For instance, if I look at the most said English phrase â€Å"love is blind†, I am able to analyze it just to get the most appropriate meaning. Logically, what comes into my mind is the author of the phrase, William Shakespeare. Then I would understand that he is a very powerful person since his literary work is sold all over the world. There is a reason for quoting this phrase. It dawns on me that the author’s phrase is very simple, but it holds deep meaning and captures attention of many other scholars and writers. It has gained fame all over the world. ... I will not stress much on this, but let me go back to the subject of the topic. When I refocus on writing skills, understanding the powerful nature of particular statement is crucial. This helps where it can be used effectively in a given sentence construction. In exemplifying this, an analysis on environmental perspective, the writer Steinbeck stressed on embracing and cherishing the natural environment. He states in his book, â€Å"fingers of cloud† the most proper way of treating the environment. The title of his work is reflecting on creativity and one understands the environmental concept more deeply. In using one of his major characters, Gertie, who disregarded all her worldly duties and only embraced radiant mystery of tall mountains and bright skies, he is able to describe the hidden meaning of the title. At least now I am more effective in presenting my written work especially when it comes to research paper. Previously, I would always state what was learnt in class a nd my research findings just in a general way. This time round, I am able to formulate supportive and critical ideas from different sources. Description on my report writing has become a very easy and I can do my work effectively. The classes I had really helped me in writing better papers. In my learning process, I am able to understand and put together various ideas in a coherent and in a correct way, according to the requirements of my assignment. In demonstrating my position, when I look at the research that I have written, the description on the â€Å"Fingers of Cloud,† where it is presented that Steinbeck’s fiction is very interesting when he decided to lengthen the rift between the real and the metaphysical. In addition, different interesting skills I have learnt in writing show my

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