Thursday, August 15, 2019


My weaker points in English are essay writing, especially introduction and conclusion paragraphs and poetry analysis. Based on what I know about the course, I feel like I will have to put in a lot of effort to pass the APE exam due to my weakness in essay writing. This year I would like to focus on getting my writing skills up to par for the APE exam. ASK ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH I recently turned 16 as I said earlier. I live with my mother and 14 year old brother, who also goes to Stanton.My dad is in the Ana so right now he's stationed in Pensacola and comes home every other weekend. We live on the west side and my neighborhood school is Baldwin. I was born in Jacksonville but moved to Virginia for 4 years the summer after 5th grade. We moved back to Jacksonville 5 years ago. I play softball for the school, I think it starts sometime in the beginning of the 2nd quarter. I hope to participate in multi this year but I haven't decided what group I want to try out for yet. I like to read a s I mentioned before.The two series I'm interested in I can only get the books at the library after putting them on hold, so it's taking me a while to finish the series. Over the summer I put â€Å"Insurgent†, the second book in the â€Å"Divergent† trilogy, on hold but when it arrived at the library we were on vacation in Grenade. I can be reached through email at [email  protected] Net. My home phone number is 904-329-3237. My cell phone number is 757-256-9756. It would be best to call the house phone if it is something important. Hello Date of Submission January 14, 2013 Problem Statements: Paragraph 1 This paragraph should contain five sentences only. Write about your culture, something about your family generation before your parent's generation, how are you connected to the generation prior to your parent's generation, tell us about your parents and siblings, your community when growing up and your current community, and something about yourself. All paragraphs with over five sentences will receive a minus five points per extra sentence.Please only five sentences. A culture was not really told to me the only thing that my sibling and I were told was to not get pregnant before we are married and have a career and to always get a good education. The only thing I know about my grandparent’s generation is that my mother’s parents did not finish elementary and that my father’s mother was held back a grade because of her height. I am very connected to my grandparents, they just do not talk much ab out their past.I have a little sister, who is 18 years old and a little brother that is 6 years old; the community we grew up in was in the suburbs and was very quiet, the neighbors were friendly and we all got along, we never had break ins because it was a gated community. The community I live in now is the total opposite it is always loud music playing, homes are getting broken into, people are always arguing; I am 21 I am a senior, I am funny, smart, and goofy. Paragraph 2 Write about your major, why you have chosen the major and what have you done prior to college to prepare for success in your current major. There must be five sentences.Why are you taking this course? Please do not say as an elective. Tell us how it fits into your overall academic goals. All paragraphs with over five will receive a minus five points for each extra sentence. Please only five sentences. My major is Special education. I originally was a elementary schools education major but I had gotten a job tha t involved working with individuals who had special needs and I enjoyed it I still do till this day, I decided to change my major to special education. Prior to attending college I did not really do anything to prepare for success in my major because I started out as a nursing major.I am taking this class not only as an elective, but so I can get the content I need to know to be able to successfully teach early childhood students as well as students with special needs. This class fits into my overall academic goals because without this class I cannot get my endorsement to teach early childhood students. Paragraph 3 From the readings in â€Å"Current Readings in Nursery School/Kindergaten Education† – pages 129-141 â€Å"The New First Grade: Too Much Too Soon? † share with us, what your experience was like in the first grade. Combine the readings with your real life experiences.You must include citations from the readings for credit. List the page number and para graph number of the citation. 10 sentences required. What I can remember about my experiences in first grade where that we had these little white books that had 5-7 words on each page. We would receive a book every day and were required to read it that night to a parent or guardian and have them initial a paper saying that we had read the book to them. In the book, it state â€Å"Kids are tested every eight weeks to see if they are hitting school, district and statewide benchmarks†(pg. 133P 3).I remember having to take these benchmark tests, because the class that had the highest benchmark test scores would get a pizza party or extra time at recess. In the middle of the school year the teachers would stop teaching all the other subjects and would start teaching us what was going to be on the TAAS test. My parents did not believe that I was getting challenged enough in the G. T program (Gifted and Talented), so they moved me to a private school. I remember this because my firs t day of school I felt so behind because for one I was moved on the middle of the school year and two the students were already learning how to subtract.At the school I had just left we were only adding single and double digits and subtracting single digits. My new school the students had already been taught how to subtract double digits and they were learning the hundreds place value. After my first week of school I was so far behind that they asked my parents about putting me in remedial classes my parents were upset that someone would ask them that and got me a tutor, since then I have received excellent grades. Hello KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CCE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES 2012-13 CLASS VII (Seven) ENGLISH FIRST TERM: APRIL –SEPTEMBER 2011 | | |Unit/Lesson/Topics to be covered |Mode of Assessment |Skills |Suggested value points | | |*Prose: The Three Questions |Comprehension check |Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Squirrel |Quiz ( Ants ) |Compeering |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Tiny Teacher |Recitation |Listening |Fluency | | | |Diary Entry |Speaking |Confidence | | | |Narration |writing |Format | | | | | |Expression | | |*Prose: The Gift of Chappals |Comprehension Check | Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Rebel |Informal Letter |Writing |Fluency | | |*Supp: Bringing up Kari |Anecdote (looking after an animal or needy without |Creative |Accuracy | | |*Supp: The Desert |elder’s knowledge. |Thinking Skill |Content | | | | |Speaking |Presentation | | |*Prose: Gopal & the Hilsa Fish Poem: The Shed |Comprehension |Understanding |Expression | | |*Supp:The Cop & the Anth em & Golu Grows a nose. Dramatization |Vocabulary |Presentation | | | |Spellings |Speaking |Confidence | | |Reading 20 |Diary Entry |Acting |Content | | |Writing 20 |Comic Creation |Drawing | | | |Grammar 15 | |Writing | | | |Literature 25 | | | | | |REVISION | |FA I 10 | | | | |FA II 10 | | | | |SA I 20 | | | | |TOTAL 40 | | | | | | | | | | | |SECOND TERM : OCTOBER 2011 –MARCH 2012 | |Topics | Mode of Assessment |Skills |Value Points ( areas) | | |*Prose: The Ashes that made Trees Bloom Poem: |Comprehension check |Understanding | | | |Chivvy |Outline story construction The Woodcutter& the Axe |Writing | | | | |Recitation |Speaking | | | | | | | | | |*Prose: Quality | Reading Paragraph/Slogan writing on Trees | Understanding |Confidence | | |Poem: Trees |Speech on Freedom is Life |Creative skills |Expression | | |*Supp :I want something in a cage | |Speaking |Content | | | | | |Fluency | | | | | |Presentation | | |*Prose: Expert Detectives | Comprehension check | Understanding Skill |Compre-hension | | |Poem: The Mystery of the Talking Fan. *Supp: |Project on Sherlock Holmes |Writing |Content | | |Chandini | |Analytical |Presentation | | | | | | | |*Prose: The Invention of Vita -Wonk | Comprehension |Reading |Content | | |Poem: Dad & The Cat &The Tree |Paragraph Writing on Wonders of Science |Writing |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Bear Story |Recitation |Speaking |accuracy | | | |Discuss –Shoot animals with a Camera-,not a gun. Listening | | | |*Prose: Fire: Friend and Foe |Comprehension |Understanding |Confidence | | |*Prose: A Bicycle in Good Repair |Fire Safety Measures Speech |Speaking |Accuracy | | |Poem: Meadow Surprises |Article Writing –SAVE TIGERS |Writing |fluency | | |*Supp : A Tiger in the House | |Creativity | | | |*Prose: The Story of Cricket I & II |Bio sketch of a favourite cricketer |Writing |Expression | | |Supp: An Alien Hand |Findings about Planet Mars. ( Mini Project) |Investigating |Presentation | | |*Poem : Garden Snake |Cricket quiz |Compeering |Confidence | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Reading 20 | | |FA III 10 | | |Writing 20 | | |FA IV 10 | | |Grammar 15 | | |SA II 40 | | |Literature 25 | | |TOTAL 60 | | |Revision | | | | | | | | | NOTE: In addition to consolidating the items learnt earlier, the following will be introduced and recycled through the Upper Primary Stage (Classes VI, VII and VIII) through the lessons given in the Main Text Books. †¢ Determiners * Passivisation * Linking Words * Adjectives (Comparative and Superlative Forms) *Adverbs (Place and Type), *Modal Auxilliaries * Tense Forms * Word Order in Sentence Types * Clauses * Reported Speech Hello Date of Submission January 14, 2013 Problem Statements: Paragraph 1 This paragraph should contain five sentences only. Write about your culture, something about your family generation before your parent's generation, how are you connected to the generation prior to your parent's generation, tell us about your parents and siblings, your community when growing up and your current community, and something about yourself. All paragraphs with over five sentences will receive a minus five points per extra sentence.Please only five sentences. A culture was not really told to me the only thing that my sibling and I were told was to not get pregnant before we are married and have a career and to always get a good education. The only thing I know about my grandparent’s generation is that my mother’s parents did not finish elementary and that my father’s mother was held back a grade because of her height. I am very connected to my grandparents, they just do not talk much ab out their past.I have a little sister, who is 18 years old and a little brother that is 6 years old; the community we grew up in was in the suburbs and was very quiet, the neighbors were friendly and we all got along, we never had break ins because it was a gated community. The community I live in now is the total opposite it is always loud music playing, homes are getting broken into, people are always arguing; I am 21 I am a senior, I am funny, smart, and goofy. Paragraph 2 Write about your major, why you have chosen the major and what have you done prior to college to prepare for success in your current major. There must be five sentences.Why are you taking this course? Please do not say as an elective. Tell us how it fits into your overall academic goals. All paragraphs with over five will receive a minus five points for each extra sentence. Please only five sentences. My major is Special education. I originally was a elementary schools education major but I had gotten a job tha t involved working with individuals who had special needs and I enjoyed it I still do till this day, I decided to change my major to special education. Prior to attending college I did not really do anything to prepare for success in my major because I started out as a nursing major.I am taking this class not only as an elective, but so I can get the content I need to know to be able to successfully teach early childhood students as well as students with special needs. This class fits into my overall academic goals because without this class I cannot get my endorsement to teach early childhood students. Paragraph 3 From the readings in â€Å"Current Readings in Nursery School/Kindergaten Education† – pages 129-141 â€Å"The New First Grade: Too Much Too Soon? † share with us, what your experience was like in the first grade. Combine the readings with your real life experiences.You must include citations from the readings for credit. List the page number and para graph number of the citation. 10 sentences required. What I can remember about my experiences in first grade where that we had these little white books that had 5-7 words on each page. We would receive a book every day and were required to read it that night to a parent or guardian and have them initial a paper saying that we had read the book to them. In the book, it state â€Å"Kids are tested every eight weeks to see if they are hitting school, district and statewide benchmarks†(pg. 133P 3).I remember having to take these benchmark tests, because the class that had the highest benchmark test scores would get a pizza party or extra time at recess. In the middle of the school year the teachers would stop teaching all the other subjects and would start teaching us what was going to be on the TAAS test. My parents did not believe that I was getting challenged enough in the G. T program (Gifted and Talented), so they moved me to a private school. I remember this because my firs t day of school I felt so behind because for one I was moved on the middle of the school year and two the students were already learning how to subtract.At the school I had just left we were only adding single and double digits and subtracting single digits. My new school the students had already been taught how to subtract double digits and they were learning the hundreds place value. After my first week of school I was so far behind that they asked my parents about putting me in remedial classes my parents were upset that someone would ask them that and got me a tutor, since then I have received excellent grades. Hello My weaker points in English are essay writing, especially introduction and conclusion paragraphs and poetry analysis. Based on what I know about the course, I feel like I will have to put in a lot of effort to pass the APE exam due to my weakness in essay writing. This year I would like to focus on getting my writing skills up to par for the APE exam. ASK ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH I recently turned 16 as I said earlier. I live with my mother and 14 year old brother, who also goes to Stanton.My dad is in the Ana so right now he's stationed in Pensacola and comes home every other weekend. We live on the west side and my neighborhood school is Baldwin. I was born in Jacksonville but moved to Virginia for 4 years the summer after 5th grade. We moved back to Jacksonville 5 years ago. I play softball for the school, I think it starts sometime in the beginning of the 2nd quarter. I hope to participate in multi this year but I haven't decided what group I want to try out for yet. I like to read a s I mentioned before.The two series I'm interested in I can only get the books at the library after putting them on hold, so it's taking me a while to finish the series. Over the summer I put â€Å"Insurgent†, the second book in the â€Å"Divergent† trilogy, on hold but when it arrived at the library we were on vacation in Grenade. I can be reached through email at [email  protected] Net. My home phone number is 904-329-3237. My cell phone number is 757-256-9756. It would be best to call the house phone if it is something important. Hello KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CCE CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES 2012-13 CLASS VII (Seven) ENGLISH FIRST TERM: APRIL –SEPTEMBER 2011 | | |Unit/Lesson/Topics to be covered |Mode of Assessment |Skills |Suggested value points | | |*Prose: The Three Questions |Comprehension check |Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Squirrel |Quiz ( Ants ) |Compeering |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Tiny Teacher |Recitation |Listening |Fluency | | | |Diary Entry |Speaking |Confidence | | | |Narration |writing |Format | | | | | |Expression | | |*Prose: The Gift of Chappals |Comprehension Check | Reading |Understanding | | |Poem: The Rebel |Informal Letter |Writing |Fluency | | |*Supp: Bringing up Kari |Anecdote (looking after an animal or needy without |Creative |Accuracy | | |*Supp: The Desert |elder’s knowledge. |Thinking Skill |Content | | | | |Speaking |Presentation | | |*Prose: Gopal & the Hilsa Fish Poem: The Shed |Comprehension |Understanding |Expression | | |*Supp:The Cop & the Anth em & Golu Grows a nose. Dramatization |Vocabulary |Presentation | | | |Spellings |Speaking |Confidence | | |Reading 20 |Diary Entry |Acting |Content | | |Writing 20 |Comic Creation |Drawing | | | |Grammar 15 | |Writing | | | |Literature 25 | | | | | |REVISION | |FA I 10 | | | | |FA II 10 | | | | |SA I 20 | | | | |TOTAL 40 | | | | | | | | | | | |SECOND TERM : OCTOBER 2011 –MARCH 2012 | |Topics | Mode of Assessment |Skills |Value Points ( areas) | | |*Prose: The Ashes that made Trees Bloom Poem: |Comprehension check |Understanding | | | |Chivvy |Outline story construction The Woodcutter& the Axe |Writing | | | | |Recitation |Speaking | | | | | | | | | |*Prose: Quality | Reading Paragraph/Slogan writing on Trees | Understanding |Confidence | | |Poem: Trees |Speech on Freedom is Life |Creative skills |Expression | | |*Supp :I want something in a cage | |Speaking |Content | | | | | |Fluency | | | | | |Presentation | | |*Prose: Expert Detectives | Comprehension check | Understanding Skill |Compre-hension | | |Poem: The Mystery of the Talking Fan. *Supp: |Project on Sherlock Holmes |Writing |Content | | |Chandini | |Analytical |Presentation | | | | | | | |*Prose: The Invention of Vita -Wonk | Comprehension |Reading |Content | | |Poem: Dad & The Cat &The Tree |Paragraph Writing on Wonders of Science |Writing |Pronunciation | | |*Supp: The Bear Story |Recitation |Speaking |accuracy | | | |Discuss –Shoot animals with a Camera-,not a gun. Listening | | | |*Prose: Fire: Friend and Foe |Comprehension |Understanding |Confidence | | |*Prose: A Bicycle in Good Repair |Fire Safety Measures Speech |Speaking |Accuracy | | |Poem: Meadow Surprises |Article Writing –SAVE TIGERS |Writing |fluency | | |*Supp : A Tiger in the House | |Creativity | | | |*Prose: The Story of Cricket I & II |Bio sketch of a favourite cricketer |Writing |Expression | | |Supp: An Alien Hand |Findings about Planet Mars. ( Mini Project) |Investigating |Presentation | | |*Poem : Garden Snake |Cricket quiz |Compeering |Confidence | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Reading 20 | | |FA III 10 | | |Writing 20 | | |FA IV 10 | | |Grammar 15 | | |SA II 40 | | |Literature 25 | | |TOTAL 60 | | |Revision | | | | | | | | | NOTE: In addition to consolidating the items learnt earlier, the following will be introduced and recycled through the Upper Primary Stage (Classes VI, VII and VIII) through the lessons given in the Main Text Books. †¢ Determiners * Passivisation * Linking Words * Adjectives (Comparative and Superlative Forms) *Adverbs (Place and Type), *Modal Auxilliaries * Tense Forms * Word Order in Sentence Types * Clauses * Reported Speech

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