Monday, December 23, 2019

My Family (My New Family) Essay - 521 Words

Feeling the confusion of not knowing my true identity? Starring at the pain of growing up not knowing my father, and watching my mother shut me out to be with a man, she hardly even knows? Watching as the pain and struggle has continuously tormented my heart leaving me the only escape of climbing into the unknown. Moving in with my aunt and uncle saved my life; they gave me the family I have always dreamed for. All my life I have questioned who I am? My mother was adopted and my father has been everywhere, but in my life. I am so thankful for every thing my family has done for me and I know that family is not blood, but those who stands by my side, who pick me up when i get thrown down, and most of all who loves me unconditionally. In†¦show more content†¦I turn clearing the signs of fecklessness and dissembling the truth. I find my cousins, which have become more like my brother and sister, gazing into my murky blue eyes as if they know the pain I’m facing, and wish to exhume it from my soul to evince the smile they once knew. For the first time in my life I feel as though I am part of a loving family. I feel as though I entered into a family who truly loves me, rather then a mother who resents me. In the beginning it was all so different, I felt as though I actually had a mother and father, I felt the pleasures of siblings. The only problem was and still remains, the empty hole in my heart from the abandonment of my father, and now my mother. I found myself searching for answers to my confusion, but with every answer received, it was trailed by a million new questions. I began looking at my life, questioning everything I was ever taught and started hiding my pain from the world, but letting it rain out on parchment. Watching my hand, I swerved and swirled the writing as the ink bled out a waterfall of emotions and secrets. It gave my soul sense of remorse, but yet a strong sense of pride as well. I have pride in the fact that with all the pain I have witnessed first hand, I stillShow MoreRelatedI Am A New Church Home And Form A Foundation For My Family2072 Words   |  9 Pagesbe â€Å"saved.† If I was to leave this earth, I knew if Jesus was the head of my life and savior that I would spend eternity in heaven with Him and other deceased loved ones. It was not until I started Union University did I take it more seriously about finding a new church home and form a foundation for my family. I knew that times woul d be hard and my faith would be tested while attending school full time, raising a family, and working full time. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Caca pupu Free Essays

They will record all personal information such address, height, weight, physical characteristics and much more. The next step, after processing the delinquent, is to place a bail or bond on the person. In Ms. We will write a custom essay sample on Caca pupu or any similar topic only for you Order Now Watson case, she will probably have to wait to see the Judge the next morning to determine whether or not placing a bail or bond on her is an alternative. This decision often depends on the severity of the crime. After the bail or bond has been placed, it will be followed by the arraignment. An arraignment is the first appearance an offender will have in court. It is here where they go from being a suspect to being a defendant in a criminal case. During the arraignment, the Judge reads the criminal charges bestowed upon the offender, and makes sure the offender understand them. If at that moment the accused does not have a lawyer, present or hired, the Judge will offer to provide one appointed by the court. In our case of study, during this audience Ms. Watson will be told that she is being charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent of distribute, and the Judge will ask her if she understands the charges. The arraignment is followed by the plea bargaining. As we studied during the course of this class and, in my case in particular, in my mini paper 2, about 95% of cases are disposed by plea bargaining every year. In this case Ms. Watson has the opportunity to plea bargaining to lesser he charges; however, for the purpose of this paper I will state that Ms. Watson does not wish to plea bargaining and request criminal trial. After plea bargaining, comes the preliminary hearing. In this process, the prosecutor tries to convince the Judge that there is enough evidence to demonstrate that a crime was committed. It is at this stage of the case when the prosecutor will prove to the Judge that Ms. Watson committed the crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. A criminal trial follows after the preliminary hearing has taken place. If Ms. Watson is not satisfied with any plea deals offered to her, she would go to a criminal trial where a Jury decides her fate. During the course of this trail the prosecution must prove beyond any reasonable doubt to the Jury that Ms. Watson committed the crime. The last step in the process is the sentencing. If an offender plead guilty or was found guilty by a Jury, he or she will be sentenced according to the severity of the crime committed. Here is where Ms. Watson will be sentenced for committing the crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. The mandatory minimum sentences pertaining to federal narcotics locations have been object of many criticisms. In 1991 the United States Sentencing Commission released a document with the mandatory minimum requirements. The statutes described in the aforementioned document were widely criticized because they were considered unjustifiable in some cases were the offender had minimum participation and were barely over the statutory floor (Lynch, 2001). However, in this particular study case, is demonstrated that Ms. Watson was part of a crime that triggered a five to ten year mandatory minimum because she was in possession of a significant amount of cocaine. The sentence that Ms. Watson will probably receive is institutionalizing. A charge of possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute is a very serious offence in all the states of the U. S. We have to consider many factors for this charge and sentence, such as the criminal history of the offender, the possibility of someone getting hurt, the psychological background of the accused and others. Because Ms. Watson already had a warrant for her arrest, which makes us think that she had a criminal history, I believe that she should receive a sentence of seven to ten years in prison without the possibility of parole. Crack cocaine is lassie as a Schedule II drug, which means it is highly addictive. Thousands of Americans die each year because of this drug, especially young people. How can we expect someone to reenter society or reduce recidivism if we don’t help them gain a helpful skill before they are released from prison? Most of the inmate population originates from the lowest social strata of the country, and have only experienced low quality education, poverty, substance abuse, mental health and many other social issues. If we invest time and reform the educational programs offered in the prison system, we could improve rehabilitation outcomes and as a consequence the number of recidivism cases will drop drastically. Making a mistake is human, rehabilitating someone and preventing them from going back to prison is wise. What’s the strongest link in the criminal Justice system? I think that plea bargaining is the strongest link of the criminal Justice system. Because new state and federal laws have hardened sentencing for criminals, prosecutors have gained greater power to get guilty pleas from defendants, and reduce the number of cases that go to trial. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2003 there were 75,573 cases disposed of in federal district court by trial or plea. Of these, about 95 percent were disposed by plea bargaining. While there are no exact estimates of the proportion of cases that are resolved through plea bargaining, scholars estimate that about 90 to 95 percent of both federal and state court cases are resolved through this process (Divers, 2011, p. 3). It is an effective system when dealing with overcrowded courts, and the lengthy expensive processes. Besides, prosecutorial discretion usually finds a way to avoid dramatic injustices. During the course of this class I learned a lot about the American criminal Justice system. I could understand a little better the complexity of the system as a whole. How to cite Caca pupu, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Construction Tunnel And Underground Works -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Construction Tunnel And Underground Works? Answer: Introducation Project management refers to the structured process of planning, organising and controlling varied activities associated with the project. The present report is based on case study of the DIY outlet which is planning to expand by adding six new outlets in the coming three years. In this regard, project plan has been prepared to focus upon the requirement related to completion of the project in the successful manner (Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Path Method, 2017). Furthermore, the risk associated with the project has also been explained along with appropriate solution applied for the same. In addition to this, a framework agreement to select the franchise party has been explained. Which parties the franchise should enter into framework agreements with, in order to achieve the key objectives on all locations and builds. Explain which parties would be independently selected to suit each location In order to enter into the framework agreement for franchise party, project management will look over the key objectives. The first objective for the DIY is to reinforce the franchise brand image with the help of physical appearance of the outlet. For this purpose, marketing agent is hired so that physical appearance can be improved to a great extent. On the other hand, finance advisor will be hired who aids to meet the objectives related to the good stakeholders management and budget control. This would be effective for an organization to integrate all stakeholders and influence them to cooperate in the development and growth of the DIY (Besner Hobbs, 2008). However, risk identification related to franchise will be handled at the end of project manager only. It leads to address the risk by taking the corrective actions and supporting management in determining the successful completion of the project. In addition to this, construction firm would be hired to increase the turnover as fast as possible (Jacobs, Chase Lummus, 2011). The mentioned parties would be selected independently to suit each location. For example, marketing agent of London is hired for one outlet of the DIY whereas finance advisor for the respective location will be hired who can deal with stakeholder management and budget strong related activities. Apart from this, one project manager would handle risk associated with each project by maintaining clear communication with all related parties (Kerzner, 2013). However, the location would be considered at the time of selection of parties through which it becomes easy to reduce overall risk associated with the project. Moreover, a team of architecture from each location of six DIY outlets is selected so that stores can be opened without major issues in the process. Therefore, franchise parties are selected as per the requirement and key objectives of the project. This proves to be effective in utilizing the limited resources in the right manner and meeting the expectations of all related stake holders (Larson Gray, 2013). Thus, all the parties should be considered for the framework agreement. This leads to achieve the long as well as short-term objectives of the business and start its operation in short time span. Explain the proposed procurement method you will be using for this development, including a communications flow chart There are different procurement methods used under the project management which facilitates corporation to handle the respective task and start the operation of the business in relatively less time span. These methods consist of open tendering, request for quotations and single-source. The open tendering assists corporation to advertise locally by selecting the suitable franchise. Further, time and resources should be employed in order to get the advantage of the open tendering method (Meredith Mantel Jr, 2011). On a critical note, the complexity of the supply chain might affect the operation or performance of the six outlets of DIY. For this purpose, restricted tendering can be used in which suppliers supply the required material for the respective outlet of DIY. It is also known as the selected tendering in which suppliers follow the certain guidelines to supply the quality products and services (Turner, 2008). On the other hand, request for quotations is another method in which s elected material can be ordered by the business. It would be effective for a corporation to get the desired material in order to start six DIY outlets. At last, single-source is another method whereby situation related to the emergency can be handled. The communication flow chart The below-mentioned flowchart has been referred by taking into account the primary and secondary. For this purpose, primary stakeholders such as management, shareholders and employees who are actually involved with the project are considered. This communication flow chart assists management of DIY to construct the similar kind of outlets at each location. In this regard, project management should have information related to resources requirement, timeline and design of the layout (Ward Chapman, 2003). Owing to this, regular communication is necessary which is made possible by using several modes of communication such as Email and mobile phone etc. On the other hand, meetings are conducted between the project staff and manager along with other related staff of the project. At this juncture, all the information is passed to the manager who can effectively guide staff members and ensure the design all the stores in the same manner (Chapman Ward, 2003). Risk register Table 1: Risk Register Sr. No. Risks Likelihood (Low, High, Moderate) Impact Mitigating actions Contingent action 1 Shortage of fund Low It would help management to accomplish the work on the time In case fund is low then loan can be taken Loan will be taken on high-interest rate 2 Poorly skilled employees Moderate Standard criteria would not be met Training or meeting Skilled employees are hired which incur additional cost. 3 Resources unavailability High Obstruct overall performance of the project Cost is incurred to avail the resources Cost resources will be acquired from the main project 4 Delay in the project High Profitability of the DIY will go down as outlet will be opened late Additional human resources will be employed to reduce the time taken for the completion of the project Skilled personnel are hired on higher cost 5 Poor performance of the project Moderate There remains gap between actual and expected outcome of the project Low profitability Training and development activities are focused. Completing a programme of works at the appropriate level According to the analysis of the overall case, it has been found that six outlets of DIY consist of several types of risks and huge time are needed for the completion of the overall project. For this purpose, critical path method and Gantt chart have been applied (Stevenson Hojati, 2007). The Gantt chart consists of several activities associated with the project so that project manager can accordingly divide the task among all the staff. It would be effective to allocate the resources and time for each activity involved in the project (Raz Michael, 2001). The application of critical path method facilitates to reduce overall time taken in the project. S Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 Project 152 wks Tue 10-10-17 Mon 07-09-20 1.1 Phase one- Resources content 24 wks Tue 10-10-17 Mon 26-03-18 1.1.1 Specifying the requirement 2 mons Tue 10-10-17 Mon 04-12-17 1.1.2 Setting the objectives 1 mon Tue 05-12-17 Mon 01-01-18 3 1.1.3 Arranging necessary resources 1 mon Tue 02-01-18 Mon 29-01-18 3,4 1.1.4 Deciding the location 1 mon Tue 30-01-18 Mon 26-02-18 5 1.1.5 Deciding the budget 1 mon Tue 27-02-18 Mon 26-03-18 6 1.2 Phase two-Developing design 32 wks Tue 27-02-18 Mon 08-10-18 1.2.1 Assessing the requirement of each store 1 mon Tue 27-02-18 Mon 26-03-18 5,6 1.2.2 Preparing the layout of design 1 mon Tue 27-03-18 Mon 23-04-18 9 1.2.3 Listing out the potential requirement 2 mons Tue 24-04-18 Mon 18-06-18 7,10 1.2.4 Writing the outcome of the project 1 mon Tue 19-06-18 Mon 16-07-18 11 1.2.5 Allocating the resources 2 mons Tue 17-07-18 Mon 10-09-18 12 1.2.6 Preparing the communication plan 1 mon Tue 11-09-18 Mon 08-10-18 12,13 1.3 Phase three-Building consent 100 wks Tue 09-10-18 Mon 07-09-20 1.3.1 Starting the construction 6 mons Tue 09-10-18 Mon 25-03-19 14 1.3.2 Assigning work to all parties 5 mons Tue 09-10-18 Mon 25-02-19 13,14 1.3.3 Reviewing the performance 9 mons Tue 26-03-19 Mon 02-12-19 16 1.3.4 Modification 5 mons Tue 03-12-19 Mon 20-04-20 17,18 1.3.5 Execution 5 mons Tue 21-04-20 Mon 07-09-20 19 The below mentioned gantt chart is showing all the activities covers under the project. It reflects that project will be started from the month of September and last till 2020 September. However, application of critical path method reduced overall time and resources to a great exent. The critical path method is showing that activities covers under the project are as follow =1+2+3+4+5+6+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+18+19+20=104 weeks. This is because activity 7 and 17 are completed simultaneously with other project activities. It proves to be effective in saving the resources of DIY project. Conclusion The aforementioned report concludes that project management techniques help companies to reduce the time consumed in the project. It would be effective for business to integrate all the resources and complete the expansion project. It can also be concluded that risk associated with the project can be reduced with the application of suitable techniques such as critical path method. The management of project should access the cost-effective supply chain management so as to get the resources at lower cost. At the same time, staff associated with the project should be skilled and competent who can effectively accomplish the given targets on right time. Moreover, technological innovation can be applied in the process of the project whereby a manager can easily track all the activities. In addition to this, training initiatives should be taken to enhance the skills and knowledge of personnel so they can work with integrity. References Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Path Method. (2017) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on 10th October 2017]. Besner, C., Hobbs, B. (2008). Project management practice, generic or contextual: A reality check.Project Management Journal,39(1), pp.16-33. Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B., Lummus, R.R. (2011).Operations and supply chain management(Vol. 567). McGraw-Hill Irwin. Kerzner, H. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W., Gray, C. (2013).Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Meredith, J.R., Mantel Jr, S.J. (2011).Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley Sons. Turner, J.R. (2008).Handbook of project-based management. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. Ward, S., Chapman, C. (2003). Transforming project risk management into project uncertainty management.International journal of project management,21(2), 97-105. Stevenson, W. J., Hojati, M. (2007).Operations management(Vol. 8). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Chapman, C., Ward, S. (2003).Project risk management: processes, techniques, and insights. Wiley. Raz, T., Michael, E. (2001). Use and benefits of tools for project risk management.International journal of project management,19(1), 9-17. Hongwei, H. U. A. N. G. (2006). State of the art of the research on risk management in construction of tunnel and underground works.Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering,2(1), 13-20. Lyons, T., Skitmore, M. (2004). Project risk management in the Queensland engineering construction industry: a survey.International journal of project management,22(1), 51-61. Cleland, D. L., Ireland, L. R. (2006).Project management. McGraw-Hill Professional. Communications Management Plan, (2017). [Online]. Available through: [Accessed on 10th October 2017].

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lucy Davey Essay Example

Lucy Davey Essay How far do you agree that support for the League of Nations was the main reason why Britain made so few commitments to maintain the peace of Europe in 1920s?To a certain extent Britain made so few commitments to maintaining the peace because of the League of Nations but however there were other factors which influenced Britains decision to stay out of European affairs. A Continental commitment was a binding military alliance with an ally, in Britains case France, which would have tied down British forces in the event of a war. The avoidance of such an agreement in the post WW1 years was a staple of Britains defence policy.One reason for Britains few commitments to maintaining the peace was that of being overstretched by her Empire. Britain was trying to police too vast an area with highly limited resources. There were many uprisings taking place in different parts of the Empire. For example in India, the British passed the Rowlatt Acts to try to control protests. The acts attempted t o restrict liberties and rights of Indians, but demonstrations against the government increased as a response to the acts. After the Amritsar Massacre of 1919 Indians demanded independence from British rule. In 1920 Ghandi persuaded the Congress to adopt his non violent non co-operation policy; Ghandi transformed Congress to a mass party with millions of followers. Similarly in Ireland the IRA waged a guerrilla war against the British army. All these uprisings meant that if there were problems defending the Empire, it would mean there would be inadequate forces to help defend Europe in a major conflict and maintain peace. This therefore made it crucial to avoid a Continental commitment.Another reason Britain avoided many commitments was the fact that Continental Wars were particularly expensive and necessitated raising taxes and government borrowing. Britains national and imperial interests could be better and more cheaply secured by avoiding entanglement in European wars and using diplomacy to resolve tension. Also Britain was a major exporting nation with important markets in North America, the Pacific and parts of Africa had to be protected by the navy. A peaceful Europe which Britain had few commitments to contributed towards the ability to fund the navy.A brief reason for Britains lack of commitments was also the fact that America was the up and coming power in the world and that relations between Britain and America were going to be increasingly important, thus Europe was less important. However in the 1920s America was isolationist and it was not clear how America was going to come on the world stage.Public opinion was a factor for Britain making so few commitments to Europe. WW1 had seen over 750,000 British soldiers die, and most families had lost a loved one. Many in the public felt that the government should strive to avoid a similar catastrophe. The 1920s saw a mass amount of anti-war literature such as The Death Bed. Running through the literature is outrage at the faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade of war being chivalrous or heroic; this illusion had been shattered after the mechanised nature of war on the Western Front. Thus public opinion had a large sway over government policy which is another reason why Britain made so few commitments in order to avoid any future wars.The League of Nations was a government means of accommodating different interests. The League represented the extension of liberal values to the practise of international relations. Liberalism fostered the notion political compromise was reached by discussion and assured peace. The League inspired people to believe the nations could co-operate peacefully and resolve differences through negotiation not violence.Throughout the 1920s, disarmament conferences were held to try and reduce arms and size of armies so that violent war could be avoided. An example of this was at Locarno in 1925, where the major powers of Western Europe reached an agreement that was designed to assur e the peaceful maintenance of the Franco-German borders. Britain and Italy acted as guarantors of the maintenance of the border between the two continental rivals, with both France and Germany accepting any future border alterations had to be achieved diplomatically. There was a feeling that a European war had been averted. Locarno is the pivotal point in interwar diplomacy, the moment when the spirit of goodwill and international conciliation was at its highest, it became known as the Locarno spirit. Britain was able to take a minor role in European commitments without being too involved.The Kellogg Briand Pact of 1928 said that war should be outlawed as a way of settling international disputes so force appeared to be prohibited as a way of settling international disputes. It represented a multilateral renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy.The League was committed to avoiding balance of powers politics and rival alliance systems which were believed to make war mor e likely. It is easy to see how governments were encouraged to avoid war by the influence of public opinion. However it is also easy to see there is a link between British foreign policy and the mood for multilateral settlements. Britain refused to make a military alliance with France but did make a limited guarantee of security through Locarno, thus showing they did use the League as a means of avoiding commitments.To conclude, Britain I believe mainly focused on other aspects rather than the League for her reasons of not making too many commitments in Europe during the 1920s. Although the League is one of the reasons partly I do not believe it is the main reason.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Date Humor and Leadership Style essay

buy custom Date Humor and Leadership Style essay The augmentation of constructive psychology throughout the latest years signifies a move from the precedent unconstructive sequence to the present optimistic psychological and fitness-focused aspects. Observations on humor are amongst them. Humor is a multi-faceted and compound notion that is generally functional in psychology, learning and collective communication. It is deemed to hold the similar notion as positive individual attributes, for instance, hopefulness, faith and bravery. It adds the enjoyment to our everyday life, aids people to cope with tension and supports individual charm and interpersonal connection. Nonetheless, research on humor is rarely implemented at the workplace and problems as mental strength of employees, office acquaintance or organizational behavior, leadership pattern, organizational culture, performance and novelty are infrequently looked at. In truth, the impact of humor on private psychological condition can be broadened to the group. Avolio et al. ( 219) showed that humor was an essential feature and furthermore, the capability of leaders. Leaders continually convey this characteristic to alter their assistants and adherents. The humorous and stirring headship, escapes from doctrinal and reinforces followers with more freedom, via appealing and inspirational interactive conduct for the definitive aim of attaining organizational targets and improving leadership efficiency. Dwight D. Eisenhower stated that A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done. Workplace communication is basically related to verbal and written contact, and for those concerned in leadership ranks, verbal communication evidently prevails. In line with one study, leaders regularly spend between 60%-90% of their time in head to head communication, and between 30%-60% of their time conversing with their followers in the workplace. Clouse and Spurgeon (1-24) stated that humor is a priceless way of attaining transactional plus relational leadership purposes, and others identify the importance of humor with reference to analytical, administrative, and intervening variances. Furthermore, humor encourages a vigorous exchange of thoughts, however might as well operates to 'bring people back into line', and to assist in controlling subsidiaries' behavior. Rus (922) mentioned that at the heart of the leaders of law implementation groups achievement, is the capacity to inspire workers to perform. Whilst some may visualize such impact in terms of power, vigor, supremacy, and control, it can also be slight. Certainly, any chief can employ their executive status inside of a division or a group to acquire deed from the staff. But, the most flourishing leaders employ their personal traits to encourage their employees. Rus (922) argues leadership as an Art, noting that successful leaders are those who take advantage of their individual vigor to persuade others and accomplish results, time after time, even when they progress from one task into a different one. Staff is attentive and reacts to them. As numerous workers endeavor superiority at work by character, most outshine, since the companys leaders generate an encouraging ambience, which involves eminent interactions with friends, subsidiaries, and superiors. For leaders at workplace, humorous headship might not be the chief decisive factor for business achievement; however it is exceedingly imperative for structuring an efficient and effective team that possesses superior excellence. Conger considered that recurrent application of humor by leaders at workplace was a successful approach to motivate or re-establish confidence. Davis and Kleiner (1) also suggested that leaders could attain three considerable upshots via the usage of humor, namely; 1) decreased stress at work; 2) assisted subordinates in recognizing leaders managing patterns through the contact amongst them, and; 3) enthused subordinates or adherents. Likewise, Craumer (3) also deemed that leaders could aid subordinates in adapting to one another and alleviate the pressure and stress among them, through the implementation of humor. This reveals the vital connection task that humor deploys in workplace communications. In addition to determining the discomfiture ensuing from d iverse standpoints, it helps preserve high-quality interpersonal association among team members and heighten the partner caring and respect. For leaders themselves, humor, moreover, signifies a positive outlook to help them cope with hardships effectively without being overpowered. Avolio et al. (219) carried out an experiential scrutiny on the link between leadership and humor. Surveys were handed out to 120 leaders and 320 subordinates within a big Canadian monetary organization. The intent of the research was to weigh the impact of humor against leadership performance in distinct leadership methods, to embrace transformational, conditional reward, and unautocratic leadership approaches. They evaluated the rate of the leaders employment of humor, and connected their result with members success. Outcomes point to distinctions in a variety of leadership styles with regard to the leaders exploitation of humor and subordinates efficiency. A quantitative breakdown demonstrates that transactional leadership is absolutely associated with the utilization of humor and to subordinates presentation. Contingent incentive leadership explains a constructive relationship, just for the use of humor, except that it is unconstructively linked to subordinates performance. Liber al leadership, conversely, is negatively correlated with humor and followers performance simultaneously. These results are sustained by Decker and Rotondo (451) who examined 359 questionnaires from graduates of a management academy. Similar to Avolio et al., they too, discovered that humor improves leadership effectiveness. Specifically, it initiated augmented views of complimentary assignments and relational activities, and was professed as comprising an encouraging consequence on the leaders efficacy. Harry Truman once stated that Anyone who has had the job Ive had and didnt have a sense of humor wouldnt still be here. To the degree that a group lauds humor, its successful exploitation can contribute to an individuals standing or reputation. Not all worklaces support humor, yet, and at times the workplace comic is perceived as troublesome, and turns out to be the attention of displeasure. Alternatively, humor can provide the individual with a practical self-protection or managing plan. Humor can as well be a way of self-discovery, mainly of hard or awkward information. To reach out a thriving usage of managerial humor Dewitte and Verguts (17) suggested three categories of jokes. Set one jokes is unsuccessful in drawing out a funny reaction (e.g. laughter) founded on an unexciting premise. For instance, a little child saying a joke to a grown-up would be improbable to bring out a laugh. Set two jokes are effective because they implement the true equilibrium between originality and tolerable content which bring out laughter or new forms of humorous reaction, whether cognitive or expressive. Set three jokes dont succeed in generating humorous reaction, for they are excessively ridiculous or unpleasant. A person might try to use effective organizational humor related to purpose and opinion. Successful employment of humor in groups is related not only to category number two humor tries, founded upon comprehending the individual, but as well upon endeavors being taken as humorous by all the groups constituents. At its utmost, collective humor leads to a feeling of pleasure that derives not from producing it, but from distributing it. Carrica stated that lots of academics have acknowledged the significant forthcoming function that humor takes within groups. For instance, Carrica noted that humor is an instrument by which social players try to attain purposeful finishes. Foot proposed that, functionally, there are little new practical social talents than humor. If Foot is accurate, then it is necessary for leaders and managers to acquire how to integrate humor into their selection of communication aptitudes. Bob Ross supported the idea that A leader without a sense of humor is apt to be like the grass mower at the cemetery he has lots of people under him, but nobody is paying him any attention. Every management communication action represents both a duty and a social facet. The useful viewpoint of leadership communication deals with task and social conducts that assist organizations to operate more successfully and proficiently. This practical perception has also been implemented to the usage of humor as a model of communication. Though some have proposed that humorousness is merely a decisive feature of leaders, others have accentuated the useful role of humor. For instance, Benne and Sheats (30) depicted joking as one of the attitudes pinpointing to the corresponding role of group maintenance. Benne and Sheats (30) noted the significance of humor as a leadership function to facilitate the reduction of tensions among group associates. Evidently, humor is an indispensable factor to leaders communication preference. As a way into social power, humor may operate as strength to convey agreement or censure of acts, chiefly disapproval of group norms infringements. By entertainingly providing an instance of unsuitable behavior, humor can be exploited not only to direct behavior, but as well to highlight group values and ethics. It is discovered that humor brought about a social weight on employees to obey the rules inspired employees who were not abiding by work codes. Plenty of research has inspected the role of humor in increasing consistency among group affiliates. As such, Benne and Sheats (30) proposed that humor might develop self-confidence by reducing social space of group members, by preventing clash, and by supplying familiar basis. They also discovered that persons resort to humor as an implication of support or fondness, and as means to offer new members, a feeling of comfort in the working environment. Pogrebin and Poole (183) offered three roles of humor that function to put up and uphold group unity. Foremost, humor permits group associates to allocate general experiences and to explore the attitudes, views, and feelings of other group members in a non-intimidating style. Humor helps interpret a persons worry into a group matter, hence strengthening group cohesion. Next, humor encourages social harmony through the joint joking which permits group members to understand that they share a joint perception. This "laughter of inclusion," in addition to humor intended for people outside the set, helps identify social limitations. Third, groups employ humor as a way of communication plan in handling a variety of forces outside their direct power. For instance, "gallows humor" permits group members to laugh at their troubles, representing society and empowering group solidity. Group members exploit humor to convey understanding with each other's affections and to tolerate emotional isolation from a theme by controlling unusual circumstances. Romero and Cruthirds (58) study suggested that there are diverse humor patterns to involve affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor, hostile humor, mild aggressive humor, and self-defeating humor. Those who apply affiliative humor jokes with others draw them with styles of humor that stresses on improving social communications. Affiliative humor resembles social oil that eases up interpersonal relations and produces an optimistic environment. People with self-enhancing humor have a funny perception of life and are not excessively concerned by its foreseeable misfortunes. Individuals, who use aggressive humor, regularly try to control others by indirect warnings of mockery. Aggressive humor can be employed to oppress, demean and induce other kinds of belittling. Romero and Cruthirds (58) consider that easygoing aggressive humor can have constructive roles. For instance, their study has determined that viewing other members being laughed at is associated with compliant attitudes, which is positive in unified teams. It moreover tolerates expression of difference and trouble, without unconstructive distress, while the meaning is sent in a teasing manner. People, who develop self-defeating humor, mock themselves in an effort to entertain and they look for recognition of others. People, who utilize a reasonable quantity of this humor pattern in organizations frequently aspire to diminish their standing level, and try to be more sociable. In proportion to Brook, it is evident that humor decreases dysfunctional strain. When creating a jokee on a nerve-racking condition, one grows a feeling of supremacy and authority over it. Humor drives people to sense that they are brave; without panic, they undergo a bigger sense of power, which is contrary to tense emotions. This state has been demonstrated countless times in movies, in which personalities encounter a lethal conclusion, and fool about their definite downfall (e.g., James Bond). The humor models recognized previously by Romero and Cruthirds (58) as affilative humor and self-enhancing humor were suggested to be the best approaches to cut strain in groups and organizations based on their study. As they stated, affiliative humor may be executed within a collection to alleviate worry ensuing from demanding occasions, since it crafts a shared environment, in order that anxiety-causing variables are joint, and are handled by all affiliates, so that it brings about a we are in this together state of mind, which is positive when reacting to tension. Self-enhancing humor can be predominantly advantageous in cutting down stress, revealing that persons with an elevated sense of humor were more prone to restructure stressful conditions, so that they were viewed as controllable. George Bernard Shaw stated that If you are going to tell people the truth, youd better make them laugh. Otherwise theyll kill you. For the last several years, people have deemed humor for a dependable individual attribute (Martin et al 75). In fact, the meaning of humor in western civilization was unconstructive at first, and slowly turned constructive. At one time, it was perceived that humor was a multi-faceted model that embraced lampoons, jokes, wits and irony, amongst additional unconstructive attitudes. Conversely, more than a few research also discovered an incoherent affiliation between humor and psychological wellbeing or reaction to strain. For instance, Crawford scrutinized and revealed that people with a significant sense of humor, were not constantly with less bodily infections and symptoms. Brooks discovered that individuals with a high sense of humor were not regularly providing more affirmative feelings. Neither were they more hopeful, self-accommodating and more in authority of the outside world. Martin et al (75) found that individuals with a high sense of humor do not always exhibit higher int erpersonal closeness and an adequate interpersonal bond. Consequently, amongst the distinct humor approaches, there may be some that are harmful for physical and psychological health, and can yet be unsafe and damaging to oneself and others. Affiliative humor Affiliative humor is a constructive humor model in support of others. This is a kind of non-aggressive humor. Affiliative humor highlights social relations. It represents a lubricant that can simply facilitate interpersonal weirdness and edginess and encourageeagerness into social events. Likewise, this model ofhumor comprises a positive association with self-worth, optimism, and a positive mood; it is unconstructively connected with tenseness and anxiety. Self-enhancing humor Self-enhancing humor is a constructive humor approach in support of oneself. These people possess a humorous outlook toward their existence. Whenever they cope with strain or complexity, they motivate themselves by humor and preserve their affirmative consciousness. It is an emotion-adaptable or receptive defense method. Self-enhancing humor is frequently in a constructive association with self-worth, hopefulness and positive temper; it is an unenthusiastic association with anxiety and apprehension (Martin et al 75). This type of humor deals with strengthening ones self-assurance. Aggressive humor It is an unconstructive humor model, and it is harmful to others. This is detrimental humor founded on the dominance conjecture that the spokesman is superior to the others. It combines humor with mockery, irony and jeer, and it is disparaging to the addressees. According to Martin et al.s observation, aggressive humor is absolutely affiliated with unfriendliness, aggression, and tenseness, however still to be investigated whether it has a downbeat outcome on the physical and mental health of people (Martin et al 75). Implementing aggressive humor in an organization is intended to maneuver or regulate team associates via one's feeling of dominance. Self-defeating humor It is an unconstructive humor approach, and is detrimental to oneself. Martin et al. (75) proposed that this was harmful humor as well. The speaker seems to be over disparaging to himself/herself in order to make an impact on others. This is an unselfish defense method that is likely to conceal negative emotions ahead of conflicts, throughout humor. This kind of humor is frequently optimistically interrelated with melancholy and anxiety, and negatively interrelated with self-esteem, contentment and social support fulfillment (Martin et al 75). Activating self-defeating humor in an organization is intended to follow everyone, and get consent from others. Crawford considered that humor is a significant facet of manger-follower relations. Directors that employ humor aptly are deemed by their workers as being more relationship-focused. Results in the academic literature are balanced by a surplus of articles in the accepted journalism, which praise the premises of humor for strengthening affiliations, and are also confirmed by numerous examples of eccentric, yet efficient leaders who have tied together the influence of humor, to assemble bonds with their workers. In accordance with Holmes (119), leaders employ a number of discursive agendas in order to incorporate lots of diverse facets of successful contact in their daily relations. In several workplaces, humor is one of these stratagems: humor is an apparent way of attaining relational action and generates a priceless route of engaging various features of successful control. Humor at some degree, is aimed to entertain at all times, and however also achieves a broad spectrum of further objectives. Research performed by Hay, evaluated discussions among friends and defined three inclusive-functions of humor: (1) to accentuate strength differences; (2) to create or preserve unity within the organization; (3) to supply self-preservation, namely, humor employed in self-protection. Buy custom Date Humor and Leadership Style essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Economics for Sustainable Living

Sustainability has some main pillars or rather aspects and these aspects were identified in the year 2005 during the world summit on social development. These aspects contribute to the social science and philosophy of sustainable development. These aspects have formed the backbone of dealing with the main areas that the world focuses on. As described by Brundtland mission, sustainability is a development aspect which meets the present needs with no promise of the future generations’ abilities in meeting their needs (Holden and Linnerud, p 175). Therefore the future has to be considered while making present decisions. The main two aspects include economic development ad environment aspects. Most people have had disagreements based on political ideologies regarding what is and is not economically sound. It has thus proven to be very problematic. The manner in which this aspect affects business, jobs and employability is also still a debatable issue. Economic development mostly deals with the process of how business incentives are provided in situations where such businesses and other organizations are supposed to adhere to the sustainable guidelines that are found beyond their normal requirements for legislation (Ellis and Moarif, p 11). This aspect also encourages and fosters incentives for an average person in which they are able to do their activities to the much they can. It’s seen that an individual may not achieve as much as a group would have because for some effects to be felt they have to be cumulative. The consumer nature of the supply and demand market has made the need for many resources in the modern life to be very high on a daily basis. From the environmental aspect what matters most is how we get whatever that needs to be consumed. Therefore if people are given whatever they want with no promise to the quality of life then this is referred to as economic development. This is more relevant in the developing countries where reduction in the financial burden and the ‘red tape’ of doing things right is still a big issue to deal with (Chan and Lee, p 249). For economic sustainability to be felt the human munity in the globe should be able to sustain their independence and gain access to the required resources as well as finances so as to meet their needs with ease. The systems of economy ought to be intact and all the activities be made available to everyone for instance their needs to be sources of livelihood that are secure enough. The economic sustainability is involved with ensuring that businesses in place are able to make profits and their operations do not in any way create environmental and social issues which are likely to harm the success of the business which may be envisioned to be long-term.   If any nation focuses on environmental and social issues the profitability of the economy will definitely flow. This is because most of the social initiatives tend to have a great impact on the behaviors of modity consumers as well as the performance of employees (Perrini, Russo and Tencati, p 291). On the other hand environmental initiatives like efficiency in energy supply and mitigation of pollution has a direct impact on waste reduction creating a good environment for the economy. Most people know what they need to do to protect the environment and especially from pollution. However the small things that have been neglected are some of key contributors to environmental pollution and thus loss in terms of sustainability. Such things like recycling, reduction in power consumption through switching off power when not in use, walking some short distances as opposed to using vehicles if assumed can lead to great environmental destruction. There are regulations for businesses in which they are supposed to keep the carbon emissions low as well as prevent pollution. Incentives exists which promote projects for installing power sources that are renewable in businesses and homes. This aspect is thus the main concern regarding the future of humanity (Dempsey, p 257). This aspect offers definition on how the environment should be protected and a lot of focus is placed on elements that seem to stress the environment. It’s concerned with how technology can be used to drive a future that is green. The developments that focus on biotechnology and technology are important to attaining environmental sustainability and thus protect the future environment from any damage that may be caused by technological advances (UNPF, p 7). To attain environmental sustainability ecological integrity has to be maintained. The earth’s environmental systems need to be kept in balance and the natural resources in the environment need to be consumed by human beings at a rate in which they can replenish themselves. The systems and activities in place should also be able to reduce the impact of the environment on the environment. When it es to the resources that are renewable the rate at which they are harvested is not supposed to exceed the rate at which they regenerate back (Maslow, p 58). In relation to pollution the rate at which wastes are generated from the ongoing projects should not go beyond the capacity for assimilation by the environment. In case of the nonrenewable resources their depletion requires the development of substitutes that are renewable. Such goals include zero waste by the organization, reduction in the use of plastic bags and ing up with initiatives that reduce carbon footprint through management of energy consumption (Ebner, p 8). Some organizations like Nestle have identified the main priority areas regarding environmental sustainability such as agricultural raw materials, water, packaging that is specific to their beverages and food and manufacturing and distribution. In relation to energy use Verizon pany has initiatives that aim at environmental sustainability like the recycling of tel equipment and reduction in energy use through provision of flexible working conditions at work, it has also worked on reducing   intensity in carbon and getting some more efficient solutions to its fleet that is eco-friendly (Jackson, P 21). Therefore this environmental aspect aims at acknowledging the necessity o f enhancing and maintaining the biophysical systems which sustain life with a focus on the natural ecosystem structure and the interactions which exist among them. Innovative ideas have contributed a lot when it es to ensuring sustainability is achieved in different sectors such as environment, economic sector and even the social sector. Such innovations include; innovation from new light technologies have invented air carbon which is a plastic material that is carbon neutral produced from greenhouse gases such as methane (Eurostat P 15). This is used in the packaging and furniture industries in which it matches oil based plastics both in performance and price. This innovation has helped solve the issue of non biodegradable nature of plastic bags. High energy savings have also been archived by the use of view intelligent window. This window regulates the light and temperature of the room in which it’s used. It’s been mainly designed for mercial buildings so as to eliminate the need for shades and blinds. Outerwall pany has recently introduced outerwallecoATM which is a network of recycling kiosks that are automated for the tech products (Jacobs P 36). Customers can easily follow simple steps and be able to recycle old tablets and phones and any other electronics and receive cash in exchange. Powwow energy is an innovation in which unnecessary losses of resources especially water are prevented. The powwow energy detects any water leaks from an irrigation system that is used in agriculture and informs the farmers immediately for repair. The Retroficiency software is designed to fight losses of energy in buildings. The data sets are used by Retroficiency to make suggestions on energy saving ideas for both businesses and homes. It works on the bination of both energy analytics and the models of buildings with the use of data that they get from the already existing energy audits to give out ideas relating to energy saving. The BioTrans system is used in restaurants where it’s installed to collect and grind any leftovers into a biomass that is homogenous (Jenks and Dempsey, P 175). There has been the invention of DessoThe AirMaster a form of carpet which is used to capture pollutant particles and fine dust from rooms thus providing healthier indoor climates. It’s made of recycled carpets and proves to be better than the hardwood flooring when related to prevention of allergies. From the discussion above its evident that sustainability is not just matters environment but in the many definitions of sustainability we are able to find the concerns about social equity and the development of the economy. It’s in this regard that the motivations behind sustainability are in most cases diverse, plex and personal. It is almost unrealistic for one to e up with a list as to why many people are working hard to achieve this goal. Thus sustainability in most cases boils down to the future the current generation is leaving for the next generation. These aspects of sustainability are therefore shared by many people who aim at demonstrating their importance in developing many policies. It’s therefore the duty of the people in today’s generation along with those of the future to create solutions that are adaptable and aim at fostering sustainability. When a pany chooses to define sustainability with the two aspects in mind then it’s easier to determine its own successful road that is sustainable. If any one of the aspects is weak or given less attention then the whole system of an organization may b e unsustainable since they are both interlinked.   Chan E, and Lee GKL. 2008. Critical factors for improving social sustainability of urban renewal projects. Social Indicators Research 85: 243–256. Dempsey N. 2008b. Quality of the built environment in urban neighbourhoods. Planning Practice and Research 23: 249–264. Ebner D. 2008. Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility in Industrial Firms: the CSR-Assessment. Pg 8. Montanuniversità ¤t Leoben Ellis, J. and Moarif, S., 2009. GHG mitigation actions: MRV issues and options. Draft for review. OECD/IEA Project for the Annex I Expert Group on the UNFCCC, 5-15 Eurostat, 2009. Measuring progress towards a more sustainable Europe. 2009 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy. Pg 13-19. Office for Official Publications of the European munities, Luxembourg. Holden E, and Linnerud K. 2007. The sustainable development area: satisfying basic needs and safeguarding ecological sustainability. Sustainable Development 15: 174–185. Jackson, T., 2009. Prosperity without growth? Transition to a sustainable economy. Sustainable Development mission, London p 21. Jacobs M. 1999. Sustainable development as a contested concept. In Fairness and Futurity: Essays on Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice, Dobson A (ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford; 21–45. Jenks M and Dempsey N. 2007. Defining the neighbourhood: challenges for empirical research. Town Planning Review 78: 153–177. Maslow, H.A., 1968. Toward Psychology of Being, 3rd Edition 1999. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pg 55-61. Perrini F, Russo A and Tencati A. 2007. CSR strategies of SMEs and large fi rms. Evidence from Italy. Journal of Business Ethics 74(3): 285–300. UNPF (United Nations Population Fund). 2007. State of World Population 2007: Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth. UNFPA: New York. Pg 4-10.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

China - Essay Example As assumed by Westerners, the docile population of china follows the dictates of central authority failing that of traditions. Generic Chinese lack individualism with group identification being paramount. It has been found that the population of the middle kingdom has been gripped by fervor for modernization and that they take advantage of contemporary economic opportunities in identical ways. Indeed, most Chinese share the goal of harmony and uniformity and foster the image received in the west. However, intersecting this purported centeredness and homogeneity is an immense diversity of people and everyday’s practices that are not represented outside china. (Susan Debra Blum and Lionel M Jensen, 2002) China’s Population growth Issues In 1960s, there was a threat of mass starvation in China as a result of rapid population growth. This triggered government officials to establish the word’s most extensive and intrusive birth control and family planning methods with an aim of reducing fertility and creating one child families. These methods included provision of contraceptives, abortions and sterilization to married couples as well as incentives for couples pledging not to have more than one child. This program has lowered the population growth in China and encouraged economic growth.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Unit 5 Case Study Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 5 Assignment 1 - Case Study Example The company only needs 100Mbps network cards and Category 5 twisted-pair cables. The Fast Ethernet hardware requirements are also available at low prices, which is great very crucial in lowering the installation costs that the company has to incur. Furthermore, the fast Ethernet protocol provides a strong error detection and correction platform. For Wide Area Network (WAN) communications with Windows XP Professional and Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstations, then, the protocol that should be used is, Point-to-Point (PPP) (Benvenuto and Zorzi, 2011). The Point-to-Point offers a wide number of advantages such as a high quality authentication platform using either Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or more efficiently by the Challenge Handshake Protocol (CHAP). This is a very important characteristic in ensuring delivery of high network security at the company. Secondly, through magic number configuration, PPP can play a huge role in detecting errors over the WAN. Lastly but certainly not the least, PPP aids in compressing data as it travels over the network and decompressing it at the required destination. This characteristic is very crucial as it aids in increasing effective throughput over the Wide Area Network (Benvenuto and Zorzi,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Look Before You Leap Essay Example for Free

Look Before You Leap Essay Tapiwa had served his employer faithfully for fifteen years. He had joined the company at the age of twenty and thrived to excel in every task that was given to him. The company rewarded him handsomely. He managed to get married to Tafadzwa after working for five years, and they had two beautiful children. The family enjoyed life since they could afford the very basics. Tapiwa drove to work while Tafadzwa stayed at home and took care of the household chores. The economy of the beautiful country of Zimbabwe began to nosedive and inflation reached its peak. Everyone felt the pinch of the inflation and Tapiwa was no exception. He switched to using public transport as driving was now a preserve of the rich. He would wake up as early as 4AM and get his kids to school. This routine became unbearable because he had to collect them from school into town and assist them to get home. He would get back to work after lunch . He started having problems with his superior’s . Although they understood his predicament they could not justify his lateness to work. Frustration began to creep into his mind and he began to lose weight. He felt he could not continue and decided to resign from his job. He sought for his father’s advice who advised him to wait a bit longer as he had hope that the economy would soon recover . After a long argument, his father gave in and asked him to go ahead with his plans. He asked for a second opinion from his immediate superior at work. He was advised not to quit but wait a little longer. But, Tapiwa had already made up his mind . He tendered in his resignation notice which was accepted with reservations. He was told his termination benefits would be processed within three months as this was company policy. Tapiwa left for South Africa where he hoped to get employed as a chemist. When he got there he discoved that life not as easy as he had expected. Getting a job in his area of training was proving to be a big challenge. He hopped from company to company and from pillar to post seeking for employment as a chemist, but the result was the same, negative. He eventually decided to get employment as a general hand. Working as a general laborer was not easy for Tapiwa. Frustration continued to grow within him. Many times he would curse the leaders of his country saying they were responsible for his problems. In many instances Tapiwa would go to sleep on an empty stomach. When he phoned his wife back home she would be complaining of hunger and how bad things were . It pained him more because the company he was now working for did not honor its part of the contract. After working for six months, he was paid the equivalent of three months’salary. The reason that his employer gave was company was reeling under the effects of the global economic meltdown. Tapiwa began to lose weight and his face could be mistaken for a patient. One day he decided to call his former employer back home. He was trying to negotiate for re-engagement. He was told it was told no longer possible because his position had already been filled . It pained him more to learn that people at the company were now earning foreign currency. After the call, Tapiwa took a walk and could be seen talking by himself. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he wept bitterly. He regretted why he ever made a decision of leaving his job for greener pastures which he discovered they were not green after all. He blamed no one but himself for putting his family into deep problems. He thought he should have taken a few days’ leave for a feasibility study. Memories of how he had enjoyed life before the hyperinflationary economy hurt him. Comparing his present style of living in South Africa to the life back home haunted his mind even worse. Given a choice between the two he would choose to stay at home with his family. Every time he would sit to meditate, he could not help but recall his father telling him not to quit his job, but to wait for a while. The discussion he had a year ago with his immediate superior at his former employment, vividly played before him. He regretted he should have taken their advice . He had learnt that in life you do not make rash decisions when it comes to important matters. His tummy made a noise indicating to him it was time for refueling. It had been a while since he had a decent meal. He had learned it the harder way.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Photoreceptor Damage: Causes and Possibilities :: Medical Medicine Papers

Photoreceptor Damage: Causes and Possibilities Over 10,000,000 people around the world suffer from some sort of blindness or handicap due to photoreceptor damage. These effects can be caused by a number of afflictions, including retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration, and tumors. These illnesses vary in severity from being a mere hindrance to completely blinding the individual. Until recently, those affected were left without hope of a cure or even a treatment that would somewhat improve their vision. But over the last few years, several groups of scientists have been working on a partial cure in the form of neuroprostheses, artificial devices which are inserted in the eye behind or on top of the damaged retinal area. These photoreceptive chips, in theory, should provide information too the healthy neurons residing in the retina, substituting for the damaged photoreceptors. When we open our eyes, millions of tiny events occur that allow us to see. Our pupils automatically constrict in accordance to the light level, the variable lens bends and adjusts to fit the distance of what we are looking, and our photoreceptors receive information in accordance to the previous factors. (This is extremely simplified, but it will suffice for now.) Photoreceptors are tiny, specialized neurons located in the retina at the back of the eye. There are two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. Each follow the same principles: when light hits them they respond with a chemical reaction using a substance known as rhodopsin. Once this reaction occurs a chain of events sends this message down a number of sophisticated and specialized neurons, eventually reaching the brain and resulting in what we call sight. Rods (numbering one hundred million or so in each eye) are primarily in the periphery of our visual field. They are extremely sensitive to light and are often ÒtiedÓ together on a lower level to allow for greater sensitivity. Rods do not see in with good resolution and cannot differentiate colors. Cones (only five million or so exist) are mostly found on the center of the visual field, a place called the fovea. The words you are reading now are being processed by cones in the fovea. They operate in brighter light than rods and detect color (there are three types, each responding to a particular range of wavelengths). Cones do not pool their output and exist for resolution, not mere detection. The only drawback with the cone system is the amount of light saturation necessary to stimulate them and send their signal to the brain.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz Question: Do you think The Wizard of Oz provided Americans with the hope that their dreams could come true, or do you think that the movie might have made Americans even more upset with their own reality? Every human being faces their own demons and troubles. We try to escape them – some do it through their own battles, but most of us just want to forget, even if it is for a little while. After our moment in paradise is over, we can face our burdens with a new strength provided by escapism. Movies, books, music, poetry and art were just a few ways for artists to express themselves and for the audience to get lost in.This audience mostly consisted of middle-class average Americans, who worked hard and long. Escapism was very popular during the time of the Great Depression in the US. During the day people would work hard for their money, fight for their survival and try to keep their heads up through all of the difficulties, but during the evening they would sca tter around town just to find someplace to relax. Most Americans would go around town and search for folks with similar interests. People would always love to go to bars and have a few drinks, exchange stories and laugh.The motion pictures, though, have always been a silent awe – sitting there and enjoying the entertainment unfold before your eyes was pretty magical, even for our day and time in the 21st century. The Wizard of Oz was a hit movie that came out in 1939. The light colorful drawings and the flamboyant set kept the viewers satisfied and yearning for more. Since it was one of the first movies with color, it was quite the success. The special effects in the delightful motion picture kept the audience growing bigger and bigger.Special effects were used in the movie quite often, which seem pretty silly to our 21st century technologically advanced brains, but in fact seemed very impressive at the time. Because of all these technical improvements from the previous movie s and taking a few steps forward in development, the film was also one of the most expensive made at the time. Produced by Lions Gate Entertainment, the movie cost an awful lot for the Great Depression era – about 2 million dollars. The motion picture paid off its large bill in time, even if it wasn’t as big of a hit at first.Because of its light theme and enjoyable melodies, the musical soon gained its place in the media. To us now, the movie seems a bit too dramatically done and very silly, but at that time it was really wonderful. The lightly careless way it just swept up your thoughts and mind was amazing, it kept the audience’s attention for the whole show. Forgetting your daily life was now much easier, especially because of the catchy tunes in songs. Lyrics were very simple and fitting, the actors dramatic enough to keep it entertaining but not worrisome.The obnoxious way Dorothy was portrayed may seem very annoying to us now, but during the Great Depress ion era it was very amusing and quite fitting. Due to the actors being very talented and skillful, the film was enjoyable. Even if The Wizard of Oz has absolutely nothing to do with the Great Depression, it has an implied meaning suitable for all times. All of the characters went on searching for something more, but in the end realized that what they were looking for was with them all along. A great disappointment at the end of the film might seem the Great Wizard. He happens to be a fellow man from Kansas, just like Dorothy.That symbolizes how simple and modest even the best of things can be. By processing this information of hidden meanings, the audience slowly learned from the movies they watched. They began to realize certain values in life, began to see things differently. â€Å"That’s a horse of a different color† says the guard of Emerald City once Dorothy arrives, and now that quote is very fitting. Even if the audience didn’t look deep enough into the c haracters to find the hidden meanings and ideas, it was still a very entertaining film. Its simplicity and the humorous story truly did help the average American with escapism.The movie has a charismatic effect on its viewers, making it very hard not to sing along or at least laugh at the characters. It swept you away from the first minutes of song and special effects. Musicals always have the effect of moving the audience’s emotions. Due to the color change once Dorothy arrives to Munchkin Land, the movie is quite breathtaking for those times. The Great Depression was most definitely affected by movies like this; they made people’s lives easier and more bearable. Now the demons and troubles Americans faced came easier, since entertainment served as a distraction.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Two Books, Coined by the Theologians

The Two Books Module 3 The Two Books, Coined By The Theologians Gloria J. Farmer HTH-505-0101: Systematic Theology I Instructor: Professor Peter Conlin March 19, 2013 The Two Books – Page 1 God’s objective for self-revelation is that mankind comes to know Him better. From the beginning of creation, God’s plan â€Å"was to create a people among whom he could dwell and with whom he could be in relationship† (Hill & Walton, 2009, p. 23). Mankind has no excuse for not knowing God and establishing a relationship with Him because â€Å"everyone naturally has a general idea that there is a God† (McGrath, 2011, p. 5), based upon His eternal power and divine nature. His glory is declared in the heavens, the work of His hands is proclaimed in the skies, (Psalm 19; Romans 1:20) and â€Å"the order, intricacy, and wonder of creation speak to the existence of a powerful and glorious Creator† (Got Questions, 2013). Moreover, â€Å"people everywhere posses s general knowledge of the existence of God as the Creator of heaven and earth, and they understand His righteousness, and that He administers punishment to the wicked, etc.However, â€Å"people do not have a clue of God’s plans concerning mankind, the benefits of His blessings, our deliverances from sin and death, and the plan of salvation—which denotes true knowledge of God (McGrath, 2011). The Two Books that God reveals Himself to humanity include, â€Å"General Revelation and Special Revelation. â€Å"General revelation refers to the general truths that can be known about God through nature. Special revelation refers to the more specific truths that can be known about God through the supernatural† (Got Questions, 2013). General Revelation was not the catalyst that was designed to teach us our obligation towards God and our proper relationship to him as our creator. It was not designed to guide us in morality even if the fall of man had not occurred in the Garden of Eden† (Preacherwin’s, 2008). It is through General Revelation that God’s revelation of Himself as God, and the righteous judge is seen. Also, through General Revelation man is seen as a sinner standing under The Two Books – Page 2 God’s divine judgment.The clear message of general revelation and what is derived from it–natural theology (e. g. , Romans 1 and 2), encounters the problem of fallen man perverting its clear message. Nature, human history, and human nature (internally—via conscience) denote the three primary categories of general revelation (Apologetics, 2013). â€Å"God manifested or revealed Himself through Special Revelation in three major categories that include: miraculous events, divine speech, and visible manifestations. Special Revelation is redemptive or salvific in nature and is communicated in both words (e. . , Scripture) and acts or actions. It must be revealed/initiated by God alone. Christ and the Sc riptures respectively are the supreme examples of Special Revelation† (Apologetics, 2013). Having said this, The Two Books, coined by the Theologians, present an intertwining role of Special Revelation (Scripture) and General Revelation in the theological task of discovering God. As we explore General Revelation in the area of Science and the Bible, we must note that there is some information that General Revelation tell us and does not tell us.According to VandenBerg, (2010), there are two beliefs among the Christian community concerning scientific knowledge and the Bible. For example, â€Å"there are Christians who reject the knowledge in the areas of evolution, cosmology, and insist that the biblical accounts of creation and cosmology must be read in a woodenly literal fashion. They assert that it is not necessary to harmonize the Bible and science because, for the most part, the scientific academy is wrong.Furthermore, some Christians insist that what the Bible says about the origins of the universe does not, in fact, cannot, contradict what science has discovered. Contrasting those in the first group, those in this group tend to affirm the discoveries of science while seeking to harmonize them in some way with the biblical text. The Reformed tradition, tends to fall into line with the The Two Books – Page 3 latter group† (p. 16). However, â€Å"Because God is the author of both books—the physical world and the Bible—so the argument goes, there can be no disagreement between them.The basic premise for science and the Bible is that God has provided two sources of knowledge for human persons: nature and the Bible (VandenBerg, 2010). Scientists contend that the problem with General Revelation is not that data is interpreted incorrectly with regard to any particular scientific subject that is being studied, but the problem is that the author of the data is distorted (VandenBerg, 2010). A critical analysis of General Revelatio n calls into question what is being revealed.At first glance, â€Å"there is common understanding of what God is revealing about himself. However, the theological jury is still out deliberating a revelatory verdict† (Howard, D. , 2010). One point is agreed upon concerning General Revelation by those who embrace this Doctrine of Revelation is that knowledge about God is revealed concerning His existence and character (Howard, D. , 2010). â€Å"Agreement also exists that the knowledge revealed consists of particular attributes of God or a â€Å"broad outline of what He is like. The attributes of God that are considered to be revealed are those described in passages such as Psalm 19:1-6, Romans 1:18-32, and Acts 14:17. Psalm 19:1-8, according to Demarest, indicates that God â€Å"as Elohim—the eternal, omnipotent, wise, and good Creator and Sustainer of all that is—revealed via general revelation† (Howard, D. 2010). â€Å"Knowledge obtained from general r evelation is not considered salvific in nature, because it lacks salvation knowledge. Knowledge disclosed in general is only about God as The Two Books – Page 4Creator and other â€Å"general† divine attributes, not God as Redeemer and other salvific knowledge. There is no knowledge of redemption or the Redeemer given in general knowledge, because the precise purpose of general revelation is to declare â€Å"the glory of the Creator and give general guidance to the creature,† not to reveal Jesus Christ. Furthermore, humans do not obtain salvific knowledge from general revelation, they have true and accurate knowledge of God’s existence, his attributes, and moral law (Howard, D. , 2010). The task of discovering God is incomplete without Special Revelation (Scripture).The intertwining role of Special Revelation (Scripture) and General Revelation reveal â€Å"two different media that in different ways point to the same messenger—the divine Creator an d Revealer. To the degree that the content of the message is the same—â€Å"God’s invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature† (Romans 1:20)—the truth that both books speak the same language and point to the same God must be stressed. At the same time, the truth that natural theology has no saving capacity, that to know our sin and salvation we need the additional special revelation given in Scripture, must never be overlooked.The two Books are not in the first place about the Bible and science but about God and his relation to us as Creator and Redeemer in Jesus Christ† (Bolt, J. , 2011). Special Revelation can be categorized in the following way. â€Å"Theophany (God makes Himself known to the prophet while the prophet is awake and aware of such taking place; Visions (God makes Himself known (not physically) to the prophet who is awake and aware of what is taking place; Dreams (God makes Himself known to a prophet who is asleep); In H is Son—Jesus Christ (Jesus is the ultimate manifestation of God given not just to the prophets, but The Two Books – Page 5 o all people. Jesus is also the perfect image of the invisible God and the object of all Special Revelation. All of Scripture, not just the Gospels, points to Jesus)† (Preacherwin, 2008). Without the Two Books, (General Revelation and Special Revelation), mankind would be deprived of the â€Å"intimate manifestation of God’s special Revelation to his people, revealing Christ and uniting in Christ all of these separate forms of Special Revelation.Scripture reveals Christ in his fullness for God’s people and thus, the completed canon of Scripture is given to us as the capstone upon which our faith is held together† (Preacherwin, 2008). References Apologetics. (2013). Explain general and special revelation using examples. Retrieved March 19, 2013 from http://www. apologeticsinfo. org/outlines/ Got Questions. (2013). What is general revelation and special revelation? Retrieved March 19, 2013 from http://www. gotquestions. org/general-special-revelation. tml Hill, A. E. & Walton, J. H. (2009). A Survey Of The Old Testament. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Zondervan. Howard, D. (2010). A critical analysis of general revelation. Criswell Theological Review, 8(1), 53-75 Preacherwin’s. (2008). Forms of Special Revelation. Retrieved March 19, 2013 from http://preacherwin. wordpress. com/2008/04/21/forms-of-special-revelation/ VandenBerg, M. L. (2010). What General Revelation Does (and Does Not) Tell Us. Perspectives On Science & Christian Faith, 62 (1), 16-24

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Donne

At first glance, the nature of Donne’s poem "The Flea" appears to be a love poem. It seems as though the male is pursuing the lady and she is resisting his pursuits. If you look deeper, you could even say that the male is trying to convince the woman that the loss of innocence does not mean the loss of honor. Donne begins the poem by illustrating intercourse as a dirty, shameful thing. He even goes so far to say if a tiny flea can recognize this then a human being sure should be able to see it. The flea bites both the poet and his lover. The poet asks his love to pay attention to the flea and the mixing of their blood in the flea’s body. Donne describes the swelling of the flea’s stomach in terms that it makes it seem as though it’s a pregnancy. (Although not a natural pregnancy†¦.the flea is swollen with their blood†¦and it seems Donne is alluding to a surrogate pregnancy and some imaginary marriage) Oddly enough it seems as though Donne is referring to the lady as a black widow spider saying that the woman is apt to kill him after they celebrate this imaginary marriage. This seems to deduce the woman to the position of the flea. The poet is trying to tie the woman and the flea together. If the woman were to kill the flea, then she would be committing suicide in a way. Yet the woman kills the flea anyway. The male in this poem has construed this fantasy world through the flea. Now that the flea is dead this fantasy world has also been destroyed. The woman explains the killing of the flea as being insignificant. This appears to demonstrate the loss of the woman’s innocence, in that the flea did nothing to deserve death. Throughout the poem the male has used the flea to illustrate the position that the man and his lover were in. He states that sexual intercourse is a sin, even within legitimate situations. The flea is then used symbolically, through its body, to represent a sexual act between the man and his lover. As t... Free Essays on Donne Free Essays on Donne Antonio S. Oliver Views of Death in Donne’s Poetry John Donne’s complex personality plays an important role in his poetry. His intellect, and as a result his work, demonstrates various opinions that at times conflict or agree with each other. These opposing views represent one of the most fascinating aspects of his poetry. Seldom is this divergence presented as clearly and frequently as in the theme of death, as will be illustrated by the following essay. As with most poets of his time, Donne was obsessed with death. Mesmerized by its mysteries, charmed by its allure, and convinced of the existence of an afterlife (as a result of Christian theology), he finds himself at times unable to settle on a particular view of the subject. While a considerable portion of Donne's opus deals with death either directly or indirectly, some poems depict death as insignificant while others present it as something he, and therefore humans, should fear. As a Christian, Donne believed (although perhaps did not understand) the concept of an afterlife. This conviction is shown by his understanding of death as a necessary stage before reaching the glory of heaven, the promised life with God. His contradictory behavior is demonstrated by a fear of death, sometimes expressed in his search for ways in which he could triumph over it instead of becoming its victim, which fueled his interest in the practice of suicide. One of the Holy Sonnets, Death Be Not Proud, presents the contradictory views of Donne. The opening lines, "Death be not proud, though some have called thee/Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so" demonstrate his own uncertainty on the issue, since that "some" he mentions includes him at times. However, he denies the power of death in the very next line, and proceeds to list several reasons why. The people whom death believes it kills do not "cease to live" (in order to avoid the use of the word ‘death’); death does not ha... Free Essays on Donne At first glance, the nature of Donne’s poem "The Flea" appears to be a love poem. It seems as though the male is pursuing the lady and she is resisting his pursuits. If you look deeper, you could even say that the male is trying to convince the woman that the loss of innocence does not mean the loss of honor. Donne begins the poem by illustrating intercourse as a dirty, shameful thing. He even goes so far to say if a tiny flea can recognize this then a human being sure should be able to see it. The flea bites both the poet and his lover. The poet asks his love to pay attention to the flea and the mixing of their blood in the flea’s body. Donne describes the swelling of the flea’s stomach in terms that it makes it seem as though it’s a pregnancy. (Although not a natural pregnancy†¦.the flea is swollen with their blood†¦and it seems Donne is alluding to a surrogate pregnancy and some imaginary marriage) Oddly enough it seems as though Donne is referring to the lady as a black widow spider saying that the woman is apt to kill him after they celebrate this imaginary marriage. This seems to deduce the woman to the position of the flea. The poet is trying to tie the woman and the flea together. If the woman were to kill the flea, then she would be committing suicide in a way. Yet the woman kills the flea anyway. The male in this poem has construed this fantasy world through the flea. Now that the flea is dead this fantasy world has also been destroyed. The woman explains the killing of the flea as being insignificant. This appears to demonstrate the loss of the woman’s innocence, in that the flea did nothing to deserve death. Throughout the poem the male has used the flea to illustrate the position that the man and his lover were in. He states that sexual intercourse is a sin, even within legitimate situations. The flea is then used symbolically, through its body, to represent a sexual act between the man and his lover. As t...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Discrimination - Essay Example in was an openly racist society in 1959 when a black man, Kelso Cochrane, was lynched in London streets with little more than an apathetic response from police. The perpetrators of this crime were identified by several eyewitnesses but the four white men were simply interviewed and released. Racist murders continue to take place, such as the Anthony Walker ice axe incident in Wales last summer, but this type of senseless racially motivated murder is now viewed by society as a horrific crime against a human being and not as simply a byproduct of ‘purifying’ Britain. Beginning with the Cochrane lynching, attitudes began to change. This general intolerance of racially motivated crime has gained momentum over the past 10 years following a series of attacks resulting in the murders of Roland Adams, Stephen Lawrence and Kriss Donald. Inner cities were the usual center of racial issues but now in Britain â€Å"there has been a shift in the geography of public disquiet, and it is the small provincial towns on the coast like Margate, Dover and Hastings that have become the centre of concern about illegal immigration and asylum† (Back, 2003). While the point can be argued that there is less overt racism now than there was 10 years ago, there has been a resurgence of widespread unsympathetic reporting in both local and national print media which portrays refugees as ‘beggars’ and involved in ‘violent crime.’ This reflects the new surge of racist sentiments across the nation. This discussion examines racism in Britain, cau ses for the phenomenon and various reasonings for its continuance. Those of ethnic minority are more likely than whites to live in depressed neighbourhoods, suffer ill health, live in congested housing and suffer a higher rate of unemployment even when compared to white people of similar education and employment qualifications. The majority of violence motivated by racism takes place in economically depressed locations although it is not

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Excel Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Excel Project - Essay Example Software prepared by the most prominent software company Microsoft are: Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft FRx for financial reporting and analytics Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2007 Microsoft Small Business Financials SAP manufactures: SAP ERP Financial Solution SAP Intuit Company prepares: Quickbooks, Quicken TurboTax Industries All these software are used by organizations which have huge database and it is not easy to manage it without appropriate software, for instance multinational companies, banking systems and airport terminals etc. Apart from these industries, all these software are marketed also marketed to renowned websites like, Reuters and Bloomberg. Wall Street & Firms Generally Wall Street views all the firms with the ability to provide good returns. In the given 120 trading activity, only Microsoft was the only company which could not end up with positive results, apart from that, the rest of the companies reported the positive returns in t he given time frame. Results One basis of the results computed on the Microsoft Excel sheet along with the graphs, the analysis of 120 trading days’ activity clearly reflects that SAP performed remarkably well earning a gain of around $90,000, whereas Microsoft turned out to be the worst among all five participants reporting a net loss of around $55,000. The other three software designing firms produced mediocre results, presenting net gains $15,000, $9,000 and ?12,000 by oracle, Intuit and Sage respectively. Source Yahoo! Finance was used as the data source from the stock price data was retrieved. The reason for choosing this financial database is the element of ease and convenience that Yahoo! Finance provides to its users. The other important aspect of choosing Yahoo! Finance was ability to convert all the data into excel sheets which provides users the ultimate ease of working on that data. Analysis Since the SAP performed the best among all five participants and Microsof t performed the worst, therefore whatever is the amount of investment can be made equally on these five stocks, the end output will be same in which SAP would be leading ahead from the rest of participants. In scenario 1, 3 and 4 SAP is involved, and it can be observed that SAP is performing much better. Opposite view goes for Microsoft as Microsoft is included only in Scenario 1 due to its sluggish performance in the reported 120 trading days. Microsoft even could not qualify to be part of other 3 scenarios. If every scenario is discussed on individual basis it can be observed that SAP is the top leader and Microsoft is the top loser in scenario 1 in which all five companies were given an equal share of $500,000 to be invested in. Scenario 2 comprised of the two stocks from largest cap market companies in which SAP and Oracles were included. Here SAP remained well above from Oracle. Scenario 3 comprises of two best performing companies from medium sized markets in which Intuit and Sage were included. Here Sage performed marginally well from Intuit. The last scenario contains two stocks, each selected as the best performing from large and medium sized markets. SAP and Sage are the constituents of this scenario and clearly SAP beat Sage by a huge amount of $155,000. Fifth Scenario On the basis of the results obtained under scenario 1, the fifth best possible scenario that can be the most worthwhile among all five companies is the scenario in which SAP and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

HR Training and Development #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR Training and Development #3 - Essay Example The five categories of learning proposed by Robert Gagne are: Verbal information, Intellectual Skills, Cognitive Strategies, Attitude and Motor Skills.(Gagne, 1985) Each outcome of learning is vital for successful performance. According to Gagne, each of the categories leads to a different class of human performance. (Gagne and Briggs, 1992) The situation and the required skill-set to complete a task are the issues that determine the capability that should be given top priority. However, keeping the organization's mission and its people strategy, imparting Intellectual Skills acquires greater prominence than all the other four. Intellectual Skills play a major role as they deal with knowing how to do a particular thing, using the powers of discrimination, concrete and defined concepts, and higher order rules. It is the ability to combine several simple rules into a complex rule to do something. () In fact, it is the core problem solving ability. It helps Abbott maintaining its distinct position in the market. It also helps integrating employees with the values and culture of the organization.