Saturday, November 2, 2019

Excel Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Excel Project - Essay Example Software prepared by the most prominent software company Microsoft are: Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft FRx for financial reporting and analytics Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2007 Microsoft Small Business Financials SAP manufactures: SAP ERP Financial Solution SAP Intuit Company prepares: Quickbooks, Quicken TurboTax Industries All these software are used by organizations which have huge database and it is not easy to manage it without appropriate software, for instance multinational companies, banking systems and airport terminals etc. Apart from these industries, all these software are marketed also marketed to renowned websites like, Reuters and Bloomberg. Wall Street & Firms Generally Wall Street views all the firms with the ability to provide good returns. In the given 120 trading activity, only Microsoft was the only company which could not end up with positive results, apart from that, the rest of the companies reported the positive returns in t he given time frame. Results One basis of the results computed on the Microsoft Excel sheet along with the graphs, the analysis of 120 trading days’ activity clearly reflects that SAP performed remarkably well earning a gain of around $90,000, whereas Microsoft turned out to be the worst among all five participants reporting a net loss of around $55,000. The other three software designing firms produced mediocre results, presenting net gains $15,000, $9,000 and ?12,000 by oracle, Intuit and Sage respectively. Source Yahoo! Finance was used as the data source from the stock price data was retrieved. The reason for choosing this financial database is the element of ease and convenience that Yahoo! Finance provides to its users. The other important aspect of choosing Yahoo! Finance was ability to convert all the data into excel sheets which provides users the ultimate ease of working on that data. Analysis Since the SAP performed the best among all five participants and Microsof t performed the worst, therefore whatever is the amount of investment can be made equally on these five stocks, the end output will be same in which SAP would be leading ahead from the rest of participants. In scenario 1, 3 and 4 SAP is involved, and it can be observed that SAP is performing much better. Opposite view goes for Microsoft as Microsoft is included only in Scenario 1 due to its sluggish performance in the reported 120 trading days. Microsoft even could not qualify to be part of other 3 scenarios. If every scenario is discussed on individual basis it can be observed that SAP is the top leader and Microsoft is the top loser in scenario 1 in which all five companies were given an equal share of $500,000 to be invested in. Scenario 2 comprised of the two stocks from largest cap market companies in which SAP and Oracles were included. Here SAP remained well above from Oracle. Scenario 3 comprises of two best performing companies from medium sized markets in which Intuit and Sage were included. Here Sage performed marginally well from Intuit. The last scenario contains two stocks, each selected as the best performing from large and medium sized markets. SAP and Sage are the constituents of this scenario and clearly SAP beat Sage by a huge amount of $155,000. Fifth Scenario On the basis of the results obtained under scenario 1, the fifth best possible scenario that can be the most worthwhile among all five companies is the scenario in which SAP and

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