Monday, December 23, 2019

My Family (My New Family) Essay - 521 Words

Feeling the confusion of not knowing my true identity? Starring at the pain of growing up not knowing my father, and watching my mother shut me out to be with a man, she hardly even knows? Watching as the pain and struggle has continuously tormented my heart leaving me the only escape of climbing into the unknown. Moving in with my aunt and uncle saved my life; they gave me the family I have always dreamed for. All my life I have questioned who I am? My mother was adopted and my father has been everywhere, but in my life. I am so thankful for every thing my family has done for me and I know that family is not blood, but those who stands by my side, who pick me up when i get thrown down, and most of all who loves me unconditionally. In†¦show more content†¦I turn clearing the signs of fecklessness and dissembling the truth. I find my cousins, which have become more like my brother and sister, gazing into my murky blue eyes as if they know the pain I’m facing, and wish to exhume it from my soul to evince the smile they once knew. For the first time in my life I feel as though I am part of a loving family. I feel as though I entered into a family who truly loves me, rather then a mother who resents me. In the beginning it was all so different, I felt as though I actually had a mother and father, I felt the pleasures of siblings. The only problem was and still remains, the empty hole in my heart from the abandonment of my father, and now my mother. I found myself searching for answers to my confusion, but with every answer received, it was trailed by a million new questions. I began looking at my life, questioning everything I was ever taught and started hiding my pain from the world, but letting it rain out on parchment. Watching my hand, I swerved and swirled the writing as the ink bled out a waterfall of emotions and secrets. It gave my soul sense of remorse, but yet a strong sense of pride as well. I have pride in the fact that with all the pain I have witnessed first hand, I stillShow MoreRelatedI Am A New Church Home And Form A Foundation For My Family2072 Words   |  9 Pagesbe â€Å"saved.† If I was to leave this earth, I knew if Jesus was the head of my life and savior that I would spend eternity in heaven with Him and other deceased loved ones. It was not until I started Union University did I take it more seriously about finding a new church home and form a foundation for my family. I knew that times woul d be hard and my faith would be tested while attending school full time, raising a family, and working full time. 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