Friday, May 8, 2020

Film Analysis Of 300 Movie - 1428 Words

Samuel Catoe, LHS K Richardson History 101 26 September 2017 300 Film Analysis The 300 is a spectacular movie designed to provide the viewer with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The movie is loosely based on past events with Sparta and their conflict with Persia, back in 480 BC. And while the movie is founded on a historical event, there are many historical inaccuracies throughout the film. These inaccuracies are created to add depth and new excitement to the movie, but also gives the viewer a false understanding of the events that took place. As the movie begins, it displays the harsh customs of the Spartan civilization. Its shows how Spartans inspect their infants for deformities, and if found with a deformity, they were†¦show more content†¦The priests take the gold as a reward for denying Sparta’s war request. Leonidas did not want to disobey the priests, so he decided to take 300 of his best soldiers, as his bodyguards, and take a walk to the Hot Gates of Thermopylae. Along the way, King Leonidas and his 300 soldiers met some allies. The allies were shocked by the small number of Spartan soldiers, but when Leonidas asked their professions, he clearly stated he had brought more soldiers than them. The Spartans continue their journey and are joined by Arcadians and other Greek forces. When they arrive, the build a wall to slow the Persian attack. The soldiers fight off the Persian scouts, and use the dead bodies to increase the massive wall. The scouts are followed up by a Persian emissary, who threaten to â€Å"block out the sun† with their arrows and King Leonidas replies that the Spartans will fight in the shade. The Spartans battle and defeat the Persian emissary. The Persians demand that the Spartans surrender before anyone else dies, but King Leonidas refuses and the two forces have a huge battle with many causalities. After the battle, Xerxes approaches King Leonidas, surprised by his fighting skills, and attempts to convince Leonidas to surrender. Xerxes promises King Leonidas with gold and other riches, but he refuses and threatens to make the â€Å"God King† bleed. Xerxes then sends his personal army called â€Å"the Immortals† to attack the Spartans. The Immortals consist of manyShow MoreRelatedEng 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper New831 Words   |  4 PagesENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper NEW To Buy This material Click below link Focus of the Final Film Critique Throughout this course, you have been compiling a blog and writing essays that analyze various elements of film such as theme, cinematic techniques, and genre. It is now time to combine those elements into a comprehensive analysis of one movie. 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