Monday, December 23, 2019

My Family (My New Family) Essay - 521 Words

Feeling the confusion of not knowing my true identity? Starring at the pain of growing up not knowing my father, and watching my mother shut me out to be with a man, she hardly even knows? Watching as the pain and struggle has continuously tormented my heart leaving me the only escape of climbing into the unknown. Moving in with my aunt and uncle saved my life; they gave me the family I have always dreamed for. All my life I have questioned who I am? My mother was adopted and my father has been everywhere, but in my life. I am so thankful for every thing my family has done for me and I know that family is not blood, but those who stands by my side, who pick me up when i get thrown down, and most of all who loves me unconditionally. In†¦show more content†¦I turn clearing the signs of fecklessness and dissembling the truth. I find my cousins, which have become more like my brother and sister, gazing into my murky blue eyes as if they know the pain I’m facing, and wish to exhume it from my soul to evince the smile they once knew. For the first time in my life I feel as though I am part of a loving family. I feel as though I entered into a family who truly loves me, rather then a mother who resents me. In the beginning it was all so different, I felt as though I actually had a mother and father, I felt the pleasures of siblings. The only problem was and still remains, the empty hole in my heart from the abandonment of my father, and now my mother. I found myself searching for answers to my confusion, but with every answer received, it was trailed by a million new questions. I began looking at my life, questioning everything I was ever taught and started hiding my pain from the world, but letting it rain out on parchment. Watching my hand, I swerved and swirled the writing as the ink bled out a waterfall of emotions and secrets. It gave my soul sense of remorse, but yet a strong sense of pride as well. I have pride in the fact that with all the pain I have witnessed first hand, I stillShow MoreRelatedI Am A New Church Home And Form A Foundation For My Family2072 Words   |  9 Pagesbe â€Å"saved.† If I was to leave this earth, I knew if Jesus was the head of my life and savior that I would spend eternity in heaven with Him and other deceased loved ones. It was not until I started Union University did I take it more seriously about finding a new church home and form a foundation for my family. I knew that times woul d be hard and my faith would be tested while attending school full time, raising a family, and working full time. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Caca pupu Free Essays

They will record all personal information such address, height, weight, physical characteristics and much more. The next step, after processing the delinquent, is to place a bail or bond on the person. In Ms. We will write a custom essay sample on Caca pupu or any similar topic only for you Order Now Watson case, she will probably have to wait to see the Judge the next morning to determine whether or not placing a bail or bond on her is an alternative. This decision often depends on the severity of the crime. After the bail or bond has been placed, it will be followed by the arraignment. An arraignment is the first appearance an offender will have in court. It is here where they go from being a suspect to being a defendant in a criminal case. During the arraignment, the Judge reads the criminal charges bestowed upon the offender, and makes sure the offender understand them. If at that moment the accused does not have a lawyer, present or hired, the Judge will offer to provide one appointed by the court. In our case of study, during this audience Ms. Watson will be told that she is being charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent of distribute, and the Judge will ask her if she understands the charges. The arraignment is followed by the plea bargaining. As we studied during the course of this class and, in my case in particular, in my mini paper 2, about 95% of cases are disposed by plea bargaining every year. In this case Ms. Watson has the opportunity to plea bargaining to lesser he charges; however, for the purpose of this paper I will state that Ms. Watson does not wish to plea bargaining and request criminal trial. After plea bargaining, comes the preliminary hearing. In this process, the prosecutor tries to convince the Judge that there is enough evidence to demonstrate that a crime was committed. It is at this stage of the case when the prosecutor will prove to the Judge that Ms. Watson committed the crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. A criminal trial follows after the preliminary hearing has taken place. If Ms. Watson is not satisfied with any plea deals offered to her, she would go to a criminal trial where a Jury decides her fate. During the course of this trail the prosecution must prove beyond any reasonable doubt to the Jury that Ms. Watson committed the crime. The last step in the process is the sentencing. If an offender plead guilty or was found guilty by a Jury, he or she will be sentenced according to the severity of the crime committed. Here is where Ms. Watson will be sentenced for committing the crime of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. The mandatory minimum sentences pertaining to federal narcotics locations have been object of many criticisms. In 1991 the United States Sentencing Commission released a document with the mandatory minimum requirements. The statutes described in the aforementioned document were widely criticized because they were considered unjustifiable in some cases were the offender had minimum participation and were barely over the statutory floor (Lynch, 2001). However, in this particular study case, is demonstrated that Ms. Watson was part of a crime that triggered a five to ten year mandatory minimum because she was in possession of a significant amount of cocaine. The sentence that Ms. Watson will probably receive is institutionalizing. A charge of possession of crack cocaine with intent to distribute is a very serious offence in all the states of the U. S. We have to consider many factors for this charge and sentence, such as the criminal history of the offender, the possibility of someone getting hurt, the psychological background of the accused and others. Because Ms. Watson already had a warrant for her arrest, which makes us think that she had a criminal history, I believe that she should receive a sentence of seven to ten years in prison without the possibility of parole. Crack cocaine is lassie as a Schedule II drug, which means it is highly addictive. Thousands of Americans die each year because of this drug, especially young people. How can we expect someone to reenter society or reduce recidivism if we don’t help them gain a helpful skill before they are released from prison? Most of the inmate population originates from the lowest social strata of the country, and have only experienced low quality education, poverty, substance abuse, mental health and many other social issues. If we invest time and reform the educational programs offered in the prison system, we could improve rehabilitation outcomes and as a consequence the number of recidivism cases will drop drastically. Making a mistake is human, rehabilitating someone and preventing them from going back to prison is wise. What’s the strongest link in the criminal Justice system? I think that plea bargaining is the strongest link of the criminal Justice system. Because new state and federal laws have hardened sentencing for criminals, prosecutors have gained greater power to get guilty pleas from defendants, and reduce the number of cases that go to trial. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2003 there were 75,573 cases disposed of in federal district court by trial or plea. Of these, about 95 percent were disposed by plea bargaining. While there are no exact estimates of the proportion of cases that are resolved through plea bargaining, scholars estimate that about 90 to 95 percent of both federal and state court cases are resolved through this process (Divers, 2011, p. 3). It is an effective system when dealing with overcrowded courts, and the lengthy expensive processes. Besides, prosecutorial discretion usually finds a way to avoid dramatic injustices. During the course of this class I learned a lot about the American criminal Justice system. I could understand a little better the complexity of the system as a whole. How to cite Caca pupu, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Construction Tunnel And Underground Works -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Construction Tunnel And Underground Works? Answer: Introducation Project management refers to the structured process of planning, organising and controlling varied activities associated with the project. The present report is based on case study of the DIY outlet which is planning to expand by adding six new outlets in the coming three years. In this regard, project plan has been prepared to focus upon the requirement related to completion of the project in the successful manner (Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Path Method, 2017). Furthermore, the risk associated with the project has also been explained along with appropriate solution applied for the same. In addition to this, a framework agreement to select the franchise party has been explained. Which parties the franchise should enter into framework agreements with, in order to achieve the key objectives on all locations and builds. Explain which parties would be independently selected to suit each location In order to enter into the framework agreement for franchise party, project management will look over the key objectives. The first objective for the DIY is to reinforce the franchise brand image with the help of physical appearance of the outlet. For this purpose, marketing agent is hired so that physical appearance can be improved to a great extent. On the other hand, finance advisor will be hired who aids to meet the objectives related to the good stakeholders management and budget control. This would be effective for an organization to integrate all stakeholders and influence them to cooperate in the development and growth of the DIY (Besner Hobbs, 2008). However, risk identification related to franchise will be handled at the end of project manager only. It leads to address the risk by taking the corrective actions and supporting management in determining the successful completion of the project. In addition to this, construction firm would be hired to increase the turnover as fast as possible (Jacobs, Chase Lummus, 2011). The mentioned parties would be selected independently to suit each location. For example, marketing agent of London is hired for one outlet of the DIY whereas finance advisor for the respective location will be hired who can deal with stakeholder management and budget strong related activities. Apart from this, one project manager would handle risk associated with each project by maintaining clear communication with all related parties (Kerzner, 2013). However, the location would be considered at the time of selection of parties through which it becomes easy to reduce overall risk associated with the project. Moreover, a team of architecture from each location of six DIY outlets is selected so that stores can be opened without major issues in the process. Therefore, franchise parties are selected as per the requirement and key objectives of the project. This proves to be effective in utilizing the limited resources in the right manner and meeting the expectations of all related stake holders (Larson Gray, 2013). Thus, all the parties should be considered for the framework agreement. This leads to achieve the long as well as short-term objectives of the business and start its operation in short time span. Explain the proposed procurement method you will be using for this development, including a communications flow chart There are different procurement methods used under the project management which facilitates corporation to handle the respective task and start the operation of the business in relatively less time span. These methods consist of open tendering, request for quotations and single-source. The open tendering assists corporation to advertise locally by selecting the suitable franchise. Further, time and resources should be employed in order to get the advantage of the open tendering method (Meredith Mantel Jr, 2011). On a critical note, the complexity of the supply chain might affect the operation or performance of the six outlets of DIY. For this purpose, restricted tendering can be used in which suppliers supply the required material for the respective outlet of DIY. It is also known as the selected tendering in which suppliers follow the certain guidelines to supply the quality products and services (Turner, 2008). On the other hand, request for quotations is another method in which s elected material can be ordered by the business. It would be effective for a corporation to get the desired material in order to start six DIY outlets. At last, single-source is another method whereby situation related to the emergency can be handled. The communication flow chart The below-mentioned flowchart has been referred by taking into account the primary and secondary. For this purpose, primary stakeholders such as management, shareholders and employees who are actually involved with the project are considered. This communication flow chart assists management of DIY to construct the similar kind of outlets at each location. In this regard, project management should have information related to resources requirement, timeline and design of the layout (Ward Chapman, 2003). Owing to this, regular communication is necessary which is made possible by using several modes of communication such as Email and mobile phone etc. On the other hand, meetings are conducted between the project staff and manager along with other related staff of the project. At this juncture, all the information is passed to the manager who can effectively guide staff members and ensure the design all the stores in the same manner (Chapman Ward, 2003). Risk register Table 1: Risk Register Sr. No. Risks Likelihood (Low, High, Moderate) Impact Mitigating actions Contingent action 1 Shortage of fund Low It would help management to accomplish the work on the time In case fund is low then loan can be taken Loan will be taken on high-interest rate 2 Poorly skilled employees Moderate Standard criteria would not be met Training or meeting Skilled employees are hired which incur additional cost. 3 Resources unavailability High Obstruct overall performance of the project Cost is incurred to avail the resources Cost resources will be acquired from the main project 4 Delay in the project High Profitability of the DIY will go down as outlet will be opened late Additional human resources will be employed to reduce the time taken for the completion of the project Skilled personnel are hired on higher cost 5 Poor performance of the project Moderate There remains gap between actual and expected outcome of the project Low profitability Training and development activities are focused. Completing a programme of works at the appropriate level According to the analysis of the overall case, it has been found that six outlets of DIY consist of several types of risks and huge time are needed for the completion of the overall project. For this purpose, critical path method and Gantt chart have been applied (Stevenson Hojati, 2007). The Gantt chart consists of several activities associated with the project so that project manager can accordingly divide the task among all the staff. It would be effective to allocate the resources and time for each activity involved in the project (Raz Michael, 2001). The application of critical path method facilitates to reduce overall time taken in the project. S Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 1 Project 152 wks Tue 10-10-17 Mon 07-09-20 1.1 Phase one- Resources content 24 wks Tue 10-10-17 Mon 26-03-18 1.1.1 Specifying the requirement 2 mons Tue 10-10-17 Mon 04-12-17 1.1.2 Setting the objectives 1 mon Tue 05-12-17 Mon 01-01-18 3 1.1.3 Arranging necessary resources 1 mon Tue 02-01-18 Mon 29-01-18 3,4 1.1.4 Deciding the location 1 mon Tue 30-01-18 Mon 26-02-18 5 1.1.5 Deciding the budget 1 mon Tue 27-02-18 Mon 26-03-18 6 1.2 Phase two-Developing design 32 wks Tue 27-02-18 Mon 08-10-18 1.2.1 Assessing the requirement of each store 1 mon Tue 27-02-18 Mon 26-03-18 5,6 1.2.2 Preparing the layout of design 1 mon Tue 27-03-18 Mon 23-04-18 9 1.2.3 Listing out the potential requirement 2 mons Tue 24-04-18 Mon 18-06-18 7,10 1.2.4 Writing the outcome of the project 1 mon Tue 19-06-18 Mon 16-07-18 11 1.2.5 Allocating the resources 2 mons Tue 17-07-18 Mon 10-09-18 12 1.2.6 Preparing the communication plan 1 mon Tue 11-09-18 Mon 08-10-18 12,13 1.3 Phase three-Building consent 100 wks Tue 09-10-18 Mon 07-09-20 1.3.1 Starting the construction 6 mons Tue 09-10-18 Mon 25-03-19 14 1.3.2 Assigning work to all parties 5 mons Tue 09-10-18 Mon 25-02-19 13,14 1.3.3 Reviewing the performance 9 mons Tue 26-03-19 Mon 02-12-19 16 1.3.4 Modification 5 mons Tue 03-12-19 Mon 20-04-20 17,18 1.3.5 Execution 5 mons Tue 21-04-20 Mon 07-09-20 19 The below mentioned gantt chart is showing all the activities covers under the project. It reflects that project will be started from the month of September and last till 2020 September. However, application of critical path method reduced overall time and resources to a great exent. The critical path method is showing that activities covers under the project are as follow =1+2+3+4+5+6+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+18+19+20=104 weeks. This is because activity 7 and 17 are completed simultaneously with other project activities. It proves to be effective in saving the resources of DIY project. Conclusion The aforementioned report concludes that project management techniques help companies to reduce the time consumed in the project. It would be effective for business to integrate all the resources and complete the expansion project. It can also be concluded that risk associated with the project can be reduced with the application of suitable techniques such as critical path method. The management of project should access the cost-effective supply chain management so as to get the resources at lower cost. At the same time, staff associated with the project should be skilled and competent who can effectively accomplish the given targets on right time. Moreover, technological innovation can be applied in the process of the project whereby a manager can easily track all the activities. In addition to this, training initiatives should be taken to enhance the skills and knowledge of personnel so they can work with integrity. References Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Path Method. (2017) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on 10th October 2017]. Besner, C., Hobbs, B. (2008). Project management practice, generic or contextual: A reality check.Project Management Journal,39(1), pp.16-33. Jacobs, F.R., Chase, R.B., Lummus, R.R. (2011).Operations and supply chain management(Vol. 567). McGraw-Hill Irwin. Kerzner, H. 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